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"Do we really need sharks on our wedding cake Em?"

I asked when I saw the first ideas on paper. Ems favourite was a blue and white cake with a big shark on the top. "Yeah why not. We both have been on the swimming team." "I don't know Babe. Isn't that a bit too much away from wedding." She smiled and pulled me close. "Well, what would you like to have on it?"

She looked at me with her perfectly brown eyes and I pressed out: "A white one with us instead of the shark on top." before I got lost in them.

It was not easy to plan things together. Lately Alfie had a thing for screaming when he did not get what he wanted. It was getting harder to get him under control.

Luckily Aria who was currently volunteering in the nursery knew what to do. So the only time we had to plan our wedding was in the morning.

"So do you want to have the shark one or a normal one?" The woman asked behind the desk. She looked annoyed cause we were jumping from one decision to another. I looked at Em and back to the book full of cakes. "We take the traditional one with both of us on top please." Em said and wrapped her arms around me. I smiled and kissed her. "Thanks baby." "You are welcome. You know I would do anything for you." She answered before she turned back around to the woman and started arguing about the price.

I decided to take a walk and get some coffee. On the way to the nearest store I was checking on the latest dresses and suits as I bumped into a girl.

Her face was red from jogging around and her blond hair was just a mess. Alison.

"Sorry" I mumbled and was about to keep walking when she pulled me back. "Morning pig skin, how does it feel to steal away my girl?" I looked down. " She is mine get your dirty hand away from her. I dont even understand how someone like you could win her heart. Someone who didn't even had the courage to save her best friend out of a burning house. Someone who knows just one way to do their hair and still uses the same shampoo they, used years ago." She laughed evily and starred at me. "I don't know how you managed it to come to this point" she pointed at the ring. "But I will figure out and then she will be mine." I looked up and straight into her face. I had enough.

"Maybe the truth is the secret." I said angry. "What did you say?" She asked and I knew she was trying to make me loose control. "I said the truth must be the secret. Thats a word you don't know anymore or maybe never knew." If her eyes were able to kill me then this would have been the perfect moment. "What did you just say about me?" She shot back and grabbed my arm hard. " I think you understood me." I said quietly and moved so she had to let go. " Alison you messed it up. You lost your chance to win her heart because your whole life is a fucking lie. If I would be Em I wouldnt go back to you either." That was it. I could see the anger rolling up inside her and she was about to hit me straight into my face with her hand when I heared a well known voice. "Hey what is this about?" Ezra was yelling from the coffe store and came over fast. "She tried to hurt me" Alison screamed so everyone around could hear it. " I didnt. You were the one who was about to hit me." I tried to explain. Emily was leaving the bakery store and ran over as she saw all of us standing around and shouting at each other. " Babe what happened?" She said breathless as she arrived at the spot of happening. "Alison" I said. "I was walking down the street to get you coffee and bumped into her and she used the situation to tell me how much I didn't deserve you."

I could feel Ems hand stroking my back while I was talking. Ezra was still standing next to us when Ali shouted: " That's not true. I was running down the street and she came out of nowhere and pushed me so I was falling onto the street and when I was about to talk to her she wanted to hit me." "WHAT?" I could not believe what I heard there. "You fucking liar" I started but Em stopped me." Let me talk to her." She whispered and kissed me gently then she gave my hand to Ezras who grabbed it and took me to get some coffee before I could respond to her.


"What was that about?" I asked her while she was kicking stones down the road. "Haven't I been clear enough? There is nothing between us." I stopped and waited for answer but she just kept walking. "ALISON I am talking to you."

"So what?" She shot back. I know I have done something wrong and I am sorry. "You what? That didnt sound like it some minutes ago?" "I know I was going to tell the truth but..."

I could not believe shewas still lying. "Alison just stop talking. I thought we were clear about everything. But I think I have to say it again: I dont love you and we will never be together. Ever. Is that clear?" I did not wait for an answer. I just left and walked to the coffeestore.


"You okay?" Em asked as she arrived and sat down next to me with her coffee. "Yeah" i answered short but kept destroying the decoration on the table. "The flower cant change that you angry." Ezra said and saved the rest of it before I could destroy the rest. "I can't believe she did that." I said and pushed the rest of the paper down the table.

"Why would she do that? Why would she try to scare me? I thought you talked to her." I said to Em but did not look at her. "I don't know it either Baby but if she is doing it again I will call the police." She took my hands and kissed the back of them. "Baby I will protect you no matter what. I promise you that." Her lips felt soft on my skin and I smiled a bit. "I know little one " I whispered and looked up to kiss her.

It was a long and soft kiss and as we pulled apart I felt safe again.

"Thank you Baby." I said and smiled as she pulled me close and started drinking her coffee.

After a while of just sitting there and talking and kissing I remembered the photos I was looking at earlier. I pulled out my phone and showed Em the dress I was choosing for her. "What you think?" I asked and looked up to her from her lap. It was a long dark-blue dress with white ornaments on it. It did lol amazing. "You like that one baby?" She asked and kissed my forehead . I nodded and and blushed. "I expected a white one because of the cake." she said and smiled. "Oh I did not know you would like white." I mumbled and blushed even more. "Of course. Its our wedding sweetheart.White is perfect." and with that she pulled me up to her face and kissed me hard but gently.

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