minutes of fear

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It was already 2 pm when the nurse finally made her way to us. Emily was still lying in my arms. She woke up again about 5 minutes ago but couldn't move. I looked down at my girl. I could see that she was in pain. She moved around and made noises. The moments she opened the eyes were the most painful ones for me. Her eyes almost lost their shine. I could literally feel her weakness. "Paige?" she said so it was just me being able to hear her. "Please don't leave me" I glanced in her eyes and went over her pretty face with my fingers. "Never in a million years babe". I said and kissed her forehead.


It happened so fast. One moment I was safe in Paige's arms and the other moment two men carried me to the nurse room away from the person I needed to be with the most.

I started crying. Me Emily Fields was crying. I never really cried in school but I felt more alone than I ever did before. "Miss Fields? " someone asked. I opened the eyes and saw the white railing of the nurse room. Even when my head hurt a lot I forced myself to move around and face the nurse. " can you tell me what hurts? Do you have pains? ". I nodded and touched my head. "okay we will give you some painkillers and you will try to sleep a bit. I will get you someone to take care of you." she said and gave me a glass of water. I drank it in one go and looked at her. "Can you get Paige McCullers please. I don't want anyone else being here at the moment." She nodded and left the room.


I was running behind them talking to them and saying that she needed me. Spencer and Hanna were joining me on half of the way asking what happened. They could see how worried I was when the door of the nurse room closed in front of me.

Why didn't they let me coming in. I punched against the door and turned around. Spencer and Hanna were standing there and looking at me. " Hey are you alright?" Hanna asked to break the silence. I shoke my head. Of course i wasn't what is she thinking? That I was happy to see my girlfriend almost falling on the ground in front of me? "No . I am not" I said trying not to cry or show any weakness in front of them. I just wanted to go in there and holding Emily in my arms again.

"You should sit down. You aren't looking well either." Spencer said, took my arm and moved me to one of the chairs which were placed in front of the room. Minutes of waiting passed. My head was full of the worst thoughts. What is when she has something bad? What happened in the dressingroom? Did someone hurt her? Have I done something wrong? I could feel a tear running down my face but I wiped it away before the girls could see it. Staystrong I said to myself and looked up when the door finally opened again.

"Miss McCullers? " the nurse said. I looked up. I was scared. I was scared what would come next. "Emily wants to see you"


I was lying in the room for about 10 minutes. I decided to close my eyes cause the light was too much for my head just now. I could hear the doors opening and closing when finally someone entered my room. I wasnt able to look who it was I just hoped it was her.


I was standing there not being able to move. Emily was lying on the a bed with her eyes closed. She didn't move. She was just lying there.

My heart was beating fast as the nurse says: " She is alright. Don't worry. All she needs is a helping hand and some sleep" and with that she left Emily and me alone.


It was Paige.No doubt. Everyone else would have been next to me already to check if I was alright but not Paige. She was careful and would never risk to make a wrong move to hurt me before she knew what's was going on. I could hear the nurse talking to her before she left the room. It took about 2 min but it felt like hours until Paige walked into my direction. I tried to open my eyes to look at her but she already put her hands on them to stop me. "Don't" she whispered "I am here and I am not going anywhere"

I could feel her pushing me softly to the wall to make herself some space to lie down next to me. I grabbed her arm as soon as I could feel her warm body . She put her other arm around my shoulders, pulled me close to her and gave me a kiss on my head. And that was the moment I finally felt safe. I could feel my body realxing a bit as the sleep came over me

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