Ch1. meet H

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My name is Harry Styles, and I'm writing this to express my experience and hopefully for the future to learn from it. I'm 18 years old and in my senior year, and I've learned that you don't need to know that you are dying to start living your life, you're confused? It's my pleasure to explain.

3 years ago, when I was in my freshmen year, I was diagnosed with lung cancer, 2months later I started my chemo sessions, I was constantly told that I am fighter, and my body is responding to the medication. I lost my hair, and my body was so weak, I was as pale as a vampire but the difference is that I wasn't strong, not at all.

I continued with my medication and was set to take my last shot of chemo on the summer before my junior year. The doctors started with the usual check ups, but before he came to start the chemo shot, he broke the news that changed my life...

3 words, and no it's not 'I love you' those words were 'you are terminal'. well he explained more it felt like he spoke 3000 words per minute but you get my point. He said that I am a fighter but the cancer have reached a stage that can't be cured. It took over my lungs and...I won't make it to my senior year.

I decided to stop chemo and at least die with hair, continued going to school- and now let's spray on some high school drama.

There was that girl called Lisa, she kept on crushing on me and one day she came and asked me out, and just to let you know I'm gay, I accepted her offer and went on a picnic date with her, and there I tried to kindly reject her by telling her I'm terminal but that gave her a stronger reason to stay with me, so I decided to be straight forward- but hold on I'm not straight hehehe- I looked her in the eye and she started leaning in, oopsie, before anything could happen I told her ' Lisa, I'm sorry but, I'm into dicks' and luckily she took it well. Since then we became best friends and she knew who the love of my life is, and tried millions of times to make me go tell him, but I kept on telling her that I don't wanna make him mine then leave him and go up.

Now you might wonder how I'm still alive and we're already 2 months into my senior year, well I honestly have no idea, nor does anyone in this case. The doctors keep on telling me that my body is shutting down slowly and that I'm not gonna make it to prom, but to be completely honest with you, I feel great, I don't feel nor look sick. My hair is back to it's normal curly self, my face looks normal, and I can do anything anyone can do. I have my strength and I don't look sick at all.

My parents now are looking for another doctor cuz they can't trust this guy anymore. Now let's get you on with some family drama, my parents are divorced but they are best friends, how? you may ask, well here is the story...

Mom and dad were best friends since middle school, they always did everything together and were inseparable. There was that big party back in high school that they went to and...they hand drunk sex there, which is how they conceived my older sister Gemma. Once they broke the news to everyone their parents forced them into marriage saying that 'they want their granddaughter to grow up having a complete family'. Later on, after their marriage, they conceived the best, prettiest, and most handsome boy on earth, my highness. After a few years, when Gemma and I were old enough, they decided to have a divorce cuz they were not in love, they were best friends in the end and each on of them had their eyes on someone, so they got divorced but they are still best friends.

Gemma started college this year and she wants to specialize in treating cancer saying 'I couldn't handle seeing my little brother dying, and I don't want that to happen to anyone' which is so sweet of her right? I love my family, my friends, and my career. Now let me tell you about it...

I always wanted to make music and see people happily singing the lyrics, and after knowing I'm terminal I decided to spend what I have left just doing that. Now, I'm the worldwide known celebrity Harry Styles, I have an album out and I'm ready to release the second one.

I still go to school to socialize and thankfully, I'm still being treated like a human over there, but there are some haters you know.

there are those 2 boys, Adam and Noah, who are constantly bullying me for my cancer and career, but everyone is standing up for me so, they are not a threat at all.

Now now my dear fellas, what is a high school boy's story without drama huh? Let me have the pleasure of telling you about the love of my life, the one that I wanna spend the rest of my life, or at least what I have left of it, with...

His name is Louis Tomlinson, he has soft feathery brown hair, a small cute button nose, gorgeous blue eyes that you can get lost in, and a soft angelic voice. Now for sure I'm not innocent, I've had wet dreams about him, and I do jerk off to the thought of him, but that's another story for another time. Lisa keeps on telling me to approach him and get him to at least be my friend but, I don't wanna pull him in and then leave, I'm not gonna be selfish, plus I don't even know his sexuality.

Now I'm gonna leave you to see a day in my school...



I know this sounds depressing but trust me it gets better, thanks for reading and hopefully you will like it.


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