Ch. 10 Back to Lou

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There is an Easter egg in the chapter, I think it's obvious. If you found it then write it next to the A/N. thank you :)


Harry's world crumbled down and was thrown away in the trash cuz of that word. It was like the first time they told him he's terminal. Sad, mad, devastated, you name it, he locked himself till the flight time, never coming out of his room. He didn't answer any texts of phone calls, not even from Louis.

A break up. what should he do with Louis, should he continue or break up, he can't let the boy date a guy who will eventually leave him, no, Louis deserved someone better than him. However, Louis is too stubborn to leave him, they'll just have to sit down and figure out stuff together.

Rewind, and play. A simple thought turned into millions of complicated ones. Harry's thoughts were on repeat, all about his life and how does he want his story to end. His mind is figuring out ways to end everything in a proper way, to give the world a proper goodbye. A goodbye to his family, friends, boyfriend, his fans, his career, his management team, everyone and everything.

Right now, all he wanted to do is to sit and cuddle his Louis, kiss him and tell him how much he loves him, tell him to continue his dream for him and live his life. He can't leave the blue eyed angel, never.

Yet, he must not be selfish. No, he can't keep Louis, But you can't live without Louis you idiot. "Shut up" Harry said to his inner thoughts, making him look like a crazy person.

Idiot, you both can't live without each other. His brain continued attacking him, his inner thoughts were ruining him, his entire body was against him.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP" Harry kept on yelling, he punched the wall really hard, causing his knuckles to bleed and his hand go numb. He sat down on the floor, pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapped his arm around them and started sobbing uncontrollably.

Now, now look at the little vulnerable boy, you idiot Louis is not gonna leave you, and you're not gonna leave him. Harry thinks that he's going insane, he is literally fighting with his inner thoughts. He needed a distraction, he took his phone and went to his contacts. His thumb was hovering over Louis' name. He contemplated on calling for a few minutes but then decided to just man up and do it. He pressed on the name and pressed call, after a few rings Louis' voice echoed though the speakers.

"Oh my god Harry! Love, are you okay? What happened?" Louis sat on the other side waiting for a reply but the line was dead silent, "Hazza? What's wrong darling?" Louis gave Harry time to speak and Harry was so thankful for his blue eyed angel. After a few minutes of comfortable silence between the two Harry built up the courage to say the word.

"Terminal" he said in a hushed tone, as if afraid to wake up the storm. Louis froze, he couldn't form a word or move a muscle. All of a sudden Harry started hearing soft cries that eventually turned into sobs. "Lou, darling please, please don't cry baby please, I love you please Lou" Harry was on the verge on tears himself, his voice so small and broken.

"Tell me Haz,"Louis said with a sigh, "Tell me, will you leave me?" His voice broke at the end, so scared from the answer that will come out of his boyfriend's lips, the lips that he wanted to kiss so bad.

"Excuse me Mr. Tomlinson? did you forget about the ring on your finger? What did I tell you Lou? you'll be stuck with me for the rest of your life darling" Harry said in a teasing tone, their mood changing really fast. That's the impact they had on each other and all who knows them dreamt of love like theirs.

"Right. You did, and I'm glad you did, so glad" Louis giggled, "I love you too Hazzy, love you so much" Harry was smiling for the first time that day, and it was a real, genuine smile. "When is your flight?" Louis was counting down the minutes he has left till he reunites with his boyfriend.

"Morning" Louis heard Harry's voice go distanced and then there were a few mumbles and then it sounded like the speakers were muffled by a piece of fabric or something, and after a minute Harry, was back. "Sorry, that was my dad, he wants to meet you. Don't worry about his approval I already made him approve of you" Harry said with a chuckle, knowing how nervous Louis could be when meeting people who need to approve of him. "and, my flight is in 5 hours, that means nearly half a day till I see my boyfriend." He said dreamily.

"Is your boyfriend cute?" Louis asked, catching on the game that Harry wanted to play. "I bet you he's not, at least not as cute as me" He said with a chuckle, his sassy side starting to show. Harry rolled his eyes playfully and said.

"No, you're wrong" He was trying his best to not burst out laughing. "He's cute, adorable, got those gorgeous blue eyes." Louis was turning into a blushing mess on the other side of the call. "He is so sweet and kind, his sass is so cute and his accent is something to die for." Harry continued going on and on, listing all the features that he loved about his boyfriend. "you know he once-"

"Alright, alright. Stop, This is embarrassing" Louis said with a giggle, interrupting his boyfriend from his rambling that made him blush furiously. They continued talking about everything and nothing, making each other feel way much better than before. eventually Harry had to go to the airport, which means they had to end the call. "Alright Haz, see you soon love. Love you, bye"

"Love you too Lou, love you so much, more than you can ever imagine. See you soon" and with that they ended the call. Harry talked to his father a bit then bid his goodbyes and left to the airport. They agreed on finding another doctor cuz Harry still feels completely fine and not sick at all. He checked in the airport and got into his private jet, he made himself comfortable for his 11 hour flight back to his Family and friends, and most importantly, to his Louis.



I'll say what the Easter egg is at the beginning of the next chapter :]

Love you Lili, I promised you to make it better and here I am working on it :)

thank you for reading:)


(Lisa's note: she is really good)

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