Ch2. H+L

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It was a rainy Monday in Cheshire high school. Harry was wearing his black skinny jeans and a white blouse with a brown fur coat. He got to his locker, hung up his coat and got his book for his first class which was biology.

He was scribbling down on his notebook, not paying attention at all, and he would throw a few glances towards louis from time to time. In his opinion there is no point in paying attention, he already knows everything about lung cancer saying that he have experienced it.

"STYLES!!!" Harry's head shot up at the booming voice of his teacher, he lost his balance and fell backwards with the chair.

"yes sir," He said after getting up and adjusting himself in his seat again.

"I told you to answer the question", Harry looked up at the board and all he saw was in his opinion the scribbling of a 3 year old.

"sorry sir, what was the question?" He asked, flashing his teacher a dimpled smile.

"how do you treat the cancer calls when they center your lungs?" Harry rolled his eyes at the question. Here is the thing, his teacher is new this is his first month in the school and he still doesn't know about Harry's cancer.

"um... you can't do anything...if it took over the lung then you're terminal..." Harry said with a slight awkwardness and tension in his voice.

"You mister, clearly haven't been paying attention! " He scolded, his voice going higher with every word. Harry looked at him and gave him a questioning look. The whole class was dead silent, everyone looking between Harry and the bio teacher.

"Mr. Miller, I don't think anyone here knows about cancer more than I do, especially lung cancer." Harry beamed at his teacher with pride glinting from his forest green eyes. He scanned the whole classroom with his eyes and for a split second, he made eye contact with louis, but louis instantly looked away. Harry focused his attention on his teacher again, Mr. miller's eyes were full with anger and offence, he looked up at harry and if looks could kill, the 18 year old would be long gone by now.

"EXCUSE ME MISTER!!! GET OUT OF MY CLASS RIGHT NOW!" His voice struck like thunder in the quiet classroom. Harry felt offended, for sure his teacher doesn't know about his cancer but, he doesn't know what was wrong with that guy. Last time he checked they told him he was dying, and now Miller got mad cuz he answered with the words that his doctor have been telling him for the past year.

"Sorry sir, but I have no idea why you're mad, you asked me a question and I answered it and I've never been more sure of my answer than now" He sat down in his chair with an expressionless face, his eyes went dull and his mood ruined, he sat back and started thinking about how his future would have been if he didn't have cancer. Would he still be able to make it and become the worldwide celebrity he is now? Mr. Miller was about to scold Harry again, but he got interrupted by a soft voice that Harry directly knew as louis'.

"Mr. Miller, I know you said that such cases would continue their chemo sessions but I agree with Harry," Louis paused and flashed Harry a warm smile as he continued " I don't think you have ever seen such a case, cuz if you had I'm sure you would know that chemo would only hurt the patient, make him lose his hair, and make his body go weak, but it won't affect the cancer cells". Harry was speechless, the love of his life was standing up for him, from the outside he looked like a fish, opening his mouth and closing it without letting a single breath out, his eyes bulging out and his whole face showed shock, but from the inside he was jumping and dancing he was fangirling over that blue eyed angel that stood up for him.

Mr. Miller was speechless, he continued the lesson while ignoring Harry and Louis. Once the bell rang, Harry went up to Louis in order to thank him but the words got stuck in his throat. After a few minutes he opened his mouth saying "Thank you, up for me..." He stuttered uncontrollably and felt like digging a hole and hiding in it for the rest of his life.

"No problem love, more than glad to help" louis replied, flashing Harry a shy smile then walked away towards his locker to meet up with his best friend Zayn.Once he was next to Zayn he went crazy, jumping around and screaming like a teenage fangirl. "HARRY, HARRY, HARRY STYLES KNOWS THAT I EXIST OMG I'M ON CLOUD NINE!!!".

"Woah mate, what have gotten into you?" Zayn asked wearing a small smile on his face, happy for his best friend's joy. Louis told Zayn everything that have happened during bio and Zayn listened muttering an audible "whipped" in the end. "You my dear friend, are in love, and honestly I say you need to try getting him before it's too late" Zayn suggested with a smirk.

Louis scoffed "yea, as if I can make him like someone like me, ha ha nice joke zaynie, nice joke, let's got before we are late for our next class." and with that he left to his chemistry class with the thought of having Harry to at least befriend him. He got in and looked around for a seat, there was only one seat left which was next to harry, and he gladly accepted the place.

"Hi." whispered Harry overly joyed by having louis sitting next to him.

"Hello" replied the blue eyed boy. "How are you doing?""Great! Still alive and writing songs. How about you?" said harry with a permanent smile etched on his face, his dimples on full display. Without thought, Louis poked his dimples,

after realizing what he have done he turned a deep shade of red, muttering a quiet apology and avoiding Harry's eyes. Harry let out a low chuckle that was enough to kill louis on the spot. "Do you wanna hang out sometime later?" Harry face palmed himself mentally thinking of how whipped he is. He have been avoiding louis on purpose cuz he doesn't wanna leave him but within one minute of them sitting together he lost it all. good way to go harry, he thought, good way to go.

"yea sure, when?" Louis replied, sounding calm but from the inside he was flying, long gone from this world.

Um...after school? come with me, I have a car" It was more like a question but hey, no one can blame him, he was talking to the love of his life.

"Great! Then after school it is. Where should I meet you" Louis tried his best to sound normal but he was failing at it.

"By the parking lot, I'll be there" and with that their conversation was over.



LARRYYYYYYY. Next chapter will be all about Larry.  The one after it will be crazy :)

thanks for reading :)


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