Ch. 3 opening up

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The school day came to an end and Harry and Louis fond themselves in Harry's car driving towards the park. " you have a car?" Harry asked Louis in order to not have any awkward tension during the ride.

"Yes, it's in the school's parking lot. I'll have to go and pick it up at night" Louis was trying his best to sound calm and normal.

"Nonsense! I'm gonna drive you to school tomorrow and you can get your car after school. Oh and can I have your number, you know in order to set a time for me to pick you up?" Harry stated that, refusing to let Louis go to the school at night, and maybe cuz he wanted to spend more time with him but no one had to know that.

"Thanks Harry, and yea sure, give me your phone and I'll put my number in it" and Louis did just that, still not believing that he got Harry Styles' number. "How is your career going, heard you're dropping a new album" Louis tried acting completely fine by crossing his legs, his hand on his groin, and a nervous smile plastered on his face. All in all, he looked far from normal, but Harry was a nervous mess himself in order to notice that.

" it's going great! And yes, I do have an album dropping soon, it's called Fine Line but no one knows yet not even my family, you're actually the first person to know what my album is called" Harry got engaged in the topic, the awkwardness and nervousness melting away, and for some reason he himself didn't know, he spilled everything about his album, "it's about someone who have stole my heart" he parked the car, and looked at Louis, maintaining eye contact with the blue eyed boy and continued talking, "I fell for him once I laid my eyes on him, and I instantly knew that if I had a normal life, I would have chosen to spend the rest of it with him. Unfortunately, I can't do that, I don't wanna pull him into the chaos that's also known as my life and then leave him, so I decided that I'll just ignore my feelings and let him be happy."

Louis turned in his seat so his body was facing Harry now, he felt like jumping on him and hugging the life out of him but didn't wanna ruin the chance cuz he have been waiting for it for so long. So he did what he thought was right, he put his hand on Harry's shoulder softly rubbing it and told him, " you don't have to think of it that way. You are not different from us Harry, we all know that in the end we'll all die, but the only difference is that you have in idea about when, but for us it will always be a mystery, it might be in a few seconds, minutes, weeks, months, years, decades, we'll never know when but we do know that it will happen. I want you to go and take your chance before it's gone, they need to know how you feel about them before it's too late, and you never know they might reciprocate your feelings." Louis by now could read Harry through his eyes, those green eyes showed Love, passion, sincerity, hope and sadness.

To say Louis wasn't jealous of that lucky guy would be a complete lie, but he would do anything to see Harry happy, even if it meant that he won't be happy.

Harry tried to say something, he truly tried but kept on stuttering " mind" he himself had no clue about what he wanted to say so he just ended it with a mall "Thank you" and got out of the car. Being the gentleman that Anne have raised he went and opened the door for Louis, earning himself a kiss on the cheek that made his face turn into a cute shade of pink.

They walked and talked, getting to know each other more. All the nervousness was completely gone. They found themselves a spot under a tree and went to sit on the wet grass. "Now that you know about my love life, it's only fair to tell me about yours. Anyone stole that heart of yours?" He honestly didn't know what answer he wanted, a yes means that he's not able to have Louis, and a no means that Louis doesn't reciprocate his feelings.

Louis took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on the sky and his lips curled up into a small smile. "Yes, there is someone. But I found out that he already has his eyes fixed on someone else. He is so kind, and sweet, fun to be around and charming, his eyes can get you lost in them for hours, his smile is contagious and his dimples are a total different thing. He have been through a lot but still have never forgotten his people, he's so simple and down to earth. Honestly if I was able to I'd go and spend the rest of my life with him. I never knew what love is but once I laid eyes on him, there was that weird feeling in my heart, and later on I found out that I was truly, deeply, madly, in love with him." Louis was now looking at Harry, tears brimming his eyes and a small sad smile planted on his face. Harry did everything to stop himself from jumping on Louis. "Being a worldwide known celebrity, how do you deal with the fame and the fans and paps and everything else?"

Louis asked, trying to change the subject.

"I barely go out, and when I do, I have my guards with me all the time, but now I left without telling them in order to spend some time alone with you and they probably think I'm kidnapped or dead by now" Harry replied with a low chuckle leaving his pink lips that Louis wanted to kiss so bad. " What do you want to do in the future?"

"Make music, I wanna inspire people through spreading my songs and hear them sing it back to me would be a great feeling, I wanna inspire them, jut how you did." Without even processing anything, Harry found himself engulfing Louis in a tight hug that expresses all of his emotions. Anyone passing by can see how head over heels they are for each other, but they are too oblivious to realise it themselves.

Louis had to sit on his hands in order to not poke those dimples. "It's alright. It would be my pleasure to be with you till the end". They both got up and made their way to the car. Harry dropped Louis home and promised to come and pick him up the next morning.

The week passed by really fast and they got closer every second. They introduced each other to their group of friends and now Louis, Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Lisa, and Lara are inseparable; especially Harry and Louis who are always attached to the hip. Harry kept on trying to tell Louis about his feeling, he truly tried but he always ends up chickening out.



Hope you liked the chapter, I don't want the story to be long cuz I have to concentrate on school, so it will be around 10 chapters. I'm not writing how they look like, cuz honestly I myself get an image in my head when I read a fanfic and when I get I can't get rid of it even if the author would describe it in a different way.

Thank you for reading :)


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