Ch15. Promposal

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They spent the evening in Harry's room talking about music, love, gossips, and a lot of kisses were put her and there. Harry was waiting for the dinner call from his mom, that moment will be the most important event of the week. Even though he knows that Louis will say yes, his nerves were at a breaking point.

The moment came "Haz! Lou! dinner is ready!" Anne yelled from the stairs, initiating the plan.

"Come on boo." Harry took Louis' hand went downstairs. Once they reached the first step Louis gasped.

Rows of fairy lights were lying on the floor, lighting the area around it with a cute and romantic shade of yellow. All the lights on the first floor were turned off in order to provide the most romantic scenario. On top of the lights were red rose petals that formed the word prom with a question mark. Louis turned to Harry to find him on one knee and Anne was recording everything from a few steps above them.

"Lou, on our first date I gave you a promise ring and promised you that an engagement ring will come next to it one day. I'm not gonna propose now but this is another promise ring boo. This one will hold the promise of always being strong and there for each other even when we get pulled down. After knowing my test results I was devastated but you lit up my way again, seeing you and hearing you is my medicine. Thank you for bearing with me and being with me through all the hardships. Boo, will you go to prom with me?" both lovebirds had teary eyes.

Louis was so in love with the curly lad knelt in front of him. "Yes!" he yelled. Harry got up and put the ring on his right hand index then kissed him, a kiss full with love and passion, a kiss that will conceal their promises.

The lights turned on and everyone was clapping for them. "Thank you guys for preparing this" Harry flashed a genuine dimpled smile to is and Louis' family.

Louis went and got something from his mother then went back to his boyfriend, he took his hand and led him to the middle of the living room. "Haz?"

"yes boo" Harry replied with heart eyes.

"Since the day you gave me that promise ring, I wanted to give you one as well. I was waiting for the best moment but since you just gave me another promise ring then why not give you mine now?" He went on one knee and now it was Harry's turn to gasp.

"You're my one and only Haz, you're my ever after and if I couldn't keep you then I'm just gonna grow old and live with a bunch of animals" everyone in the room lightly chuckled, all in awe with the cutest couple that have ever existed. "and I know you won't allow that so Hazza, this is a promise ring, I promise to fulfill every promise you put in those 2 rings. I promise to always be with you through everything, to always be there when you need a shoulder to cry on, when you need someone to take care of you, and when you need someone to share your happiness with. I promise to never break your heart, at least not on purpose, and I promise to never run away when things get hard. Last but definitely not least, I promise to always love you more as each second passes. I adore you Hazza"

He got up and put the ring on his boyfriend, waterfalls were falling from Harry's eyes. He leaned in and kissed his boyfriend so lovingly, the kiss was salty from the tears but no one cared. The room clapped for them again and they had their night. They were so happy and content with their love.



Love you all :)

Love you Lili :) 

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