Ch. 9 Terminal

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Today was Wednesday. Harry woke up pretty early today, in fact he barely had any sleep. He was so nervous cuz of the appointment. It was currently 7am and his appointment was at 12pm, he got up and got in the shower. By 8:30AM, he was having breakfast, his eyes were glued to the phone so he didn't notice Des coming into the kitchen. He nearly pissed himself when he heard Des shouting his name. "OH MY GOD! Dad, why did you do that?" he said with a pout.

"Son, I've been here for the past 10 minutes, I said good morning like 5 times but didn't get an answer, what got you so concentrated?" He said while getting out some eggs and putting the pan on the stove.

Harry's face brightened when he was asked about what got him so concentrated and Des directly knew the answer. "It's Louis, he's bored and didn't wanna do his assignments".

"What time is it in Cheshire?" Des asks out of curiosity.

"It's 7:45PM" and with that Harry is back to texting, forgetting his father and breakfast.


"Harry Styles" a nurse called from the front. They got up and she led them to the room, "Have a seat, the doctor will be with you in a minute" and with that they were alone. Harry sat down on the bed and started humming a tune in order to calm himself down.

Soon there was a soft knock on the door then the doctor was walking in towards his desk, "Hello, I'm Doctor Pattinson, you can call me Robert, nice to meet you Harry" The doctor said with a small smile looking at Harry, "Nice to see you again Des" he nodded at Des then sat on his chair. "So tell me Harry, tell me about your cancer".

Harry cleared his throat and started speaking, "3 years ago, when I was in my freshmen year, I was diagnosed with lung cancer, 2months later I started my chemo sessions, I was constantly told that I am fighter, and my body is responding to the medication. I lost my hair, and my body was so weak, I was as pale as a vampire but the difference is that I wasn't strong, not at all. I continued with my medication and was set to take my last shot of chemo on the summer before my junior year. The doctors started with the usual check ups, but before he came to start the chemo shot, he broke the news that changed my life...3 words, those words were 'you are terminal'."

"well he explained more it felt like he spoke 3000 words per minute but you get my point. He said that I am a fighter but the cancer have reached a stage that can't be cured. It took over my lungs and...I won't make it to my senior year. I decided to stop chemo and at least die with hair, my junior year came to an end and I was still alive and better than ever, when I went to him again he said that my body is shutting down really slowly and that I won't make it to prom. To be honest I feel better than ever, not sick at all." Harry took a deep breath and looked at his father getting a slight nod that made him smile.

The doctor was writing down everything Harry said then stood up and walked to the middle of the room, "Okay so now we're gonna run a few tests and I'll have a look at your tumor-"

"The tumor went" Harry, said interrupting the doctor.

Robert froze in his track, after a few minutes he looked at Harry, "Alright son, lay down we're gonna do the tests but to be honest with you, I can tell that you are completely fine but, we can never judge a book from it's cover, your organs and cells may speak something else."


Doctor Pattinson ran the test and he explained some stuff to Harry then told him that they will email him his test results in 2 days. "Thank you doctor, have a nice day" Des said concluding the appointment, and with that they were out of the hospital and on their way home.

"Dad..." Harry said looking so vulnerable like a 5 year old. He heard a low hum and continued, "I...I don't want you to tell anyone about my test results, I'm waiting for something or let's say, some specific time...please" he trailed off, his emerald eyes shinning and irresistible.

"Let me guess, it has to do with Louis right?" he said with a low chuckle. Harry muttered a yes, "alright then, I won't tell." and with that they got home.


"OMG HARRY STOPPPP!!!" Louis screamed through the laptop, they were both dying from laughter and having amazing time. It was 4:19PM at LA which means it was 12:19AM in Cheshire. The couple have been on face time for nearly 3 hours now. "ughhhh you and your awful jokes" Louis groaned trying to hold his giggles.

"You love them, and even if you didn't you love me so you will laugh at them for me" Harry said matter of factly.

"True, but still they are awful" Louis stared at the ceiling a bit then looked back at Harry, "can you sing me to sleep please" he said with a pout and soft blue eyes that were irresistible.

"Sure thing love, lay in bed and turn off the lights" Louis did as told and got ready to hear his boyfriend sing to him. "This is A.M." Harry said clearing his voice then started.

Once his voice echoed through the speakers, the soft strumming of the guitar making the perfect tone, Louis relaxed and let out a deep sigh. Harry sang the song with passion as usual, not failing to make a few tears roll down Louis' cheeks. Harry heard a faint I love you coming from Louis' lips, making him smile with fond taking over his features.

When he finished the song, he saw that Louis have fallen asleep, he whispered a faint 'I love you' then ended the call.


Friday rolled in and it was the day Harry gets his email about his cancer test results. He was currently just chilling in his room watching a movie on his laptop when his father comes in, "Harry, I got an email from the hospital. I'll forward it to you and let's open it at the same time". Harry got up and went to get his phone from the kitchen.

He was pacing around the room, his nerves on the edge, and about to piss himself, "dad, what if they say I'm terminal?" Harry asks tears in his eyes and his whole body shaking from fear.

"It's okay love, whatever the results say, we love you and will get through this with you, we won't give up here." Des tried convincing Harry but it felt like he was trying to convince himself as well, "Just remember the ones you love, the family you wanna start with Louis, your fans, your career, we'll get through this son".

"I-I want you to know that...I...I promised Louis to propose to him if the results said that I'm not sick...not terminal" Harry looked at his father to see the shock on his face, "I know it's early but I'm sure, we are sure about spending the rest of our lives together".

Des let out a small laugh, "alright son, I'll help you pick the ring" He knew that even if no one approved Harry would still do what he wants to so he decided to just take the flow with him. "Alright, on 3" they both got ready.




They both opened it and read through it, freezing in their tracks when they saw what was Harry's test results, the results that speak his future. Harry read the email out loud just to make sure it's true.

"Dear Mr. Styles, here are your son's, Harry Styles, test results" He skipped the table of tests and went to the last sentence, "We are sorry to inform you that your son is terminal..."



That's what you get for doing that to me Lisa, but don't worry I'm not THAT evil :)

Love youuuuu

thank you for reading :)


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