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A reflection of a woman was on the mirror, staring into her own self as she brushed off the dust on her navy blue pencil skirt. Her hair has been ironed straight, matching her light makeup and her outfit. Slowly, she lifts up both her hands and fixed her blue and white striped necktie tight enough not to strangle her.

A soft yet dreamy sigh comes out of her mouth as she tries to calm herself down from the nervousness she has been feeling since the day she left home for work.

As she made sure that her necktie is fixed, she then gently grabs the navy blue blazer from the table and wears it, straightening her name badge upon wearing.



"I did great. You did great, Jisoo.", she gives herself a compliment as she pats her chest. She had waited long enough for the day of her promotion from Police Inspector to Senior Inspector. Shortly after, she started practicing how to smile for the camera. She smiles with her teeth out in front of the mirror, shakes her head, then changed it to a mouth closed smile.

"Inspector Kim?", there was a knock on the door along with the voice that called her.

"Come in.", Jisoo says, and the door was pushed open. "Oh, I apologize. You are Senior Inspector Kim starting today.", the young lady teasingly bows, making Jisoo chuckle.

"You do know you can be informal when it's just the two of us, right?", Jisoo asks, but the young inspector shakes her head. "Oh no. I cannot be talking casually in front of the Senior Inspector.", she answers.

"Oh come on, Lisa.", Jisoo rolls her eyes, making the two laugh.

"Congratulations, Unnie. You've done well all these years.", Lisa says, taking Jisoo's hand into hers and holding it tightly. "Then this means you're going to treat me for dinner, right?", she adds.

"Oh, would you look at the time.", Jisoo changes the topic and looks at her wristwatch, letting go of Lisa's hand, then grabbing her police peaked cap. "It's time for the ceremony.", she gives Lisa a smile before jogging outside the locker room, leaving Lisa, who is shaking her head and chuckling, alone. "Well, I guess that was a yes.", she says before walking out the room as well. "Wait for me!"


"Senior Inspector Kim, please state the Oath of Office.", the police emcee says.

Jisoo takes a few steps forward towards the podium where the microphone was placed. With her left hand, she grabs the microphone, switched it on and raises her right hand.

"I, Kim Jisoo, do solemnly swear that I will support the Metropolitan Police Agency and the Consitution and Laws of the Metropolitan. That I will bear faith and allegiance as a Senior Inspector and defend the Metropolitan against enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of a peace officer to the best of my ability. So help me God.", she reads from a piece of paper placed flat on the surface. Jisoo then placed back the microphone on the surface and walks to the middle of the stage and bows to everyone who was inside the hall. A round of applause greeted her as she stood back up straight.


The night sky is overcast, the moon and stars that shone very brightly had been covered by clouds and left no light for the whole city except for the lamp posts and lights coming from houses and establishments.

Jisoo had just gone out the restaurant where her team of inspectors celebrated her promotion. As she was hailing for a taxi, her phone suddenly rings. A smile forms on her face as soon as she saw the caller, it was Jennie, a close friend and an inspector as well.

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