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Taehyung knew what Jisoo's hands were doing, so he gently pushed away her hands and also stops kissing her, making her slightly confused.

"Let's not do that here.", Taehyung says and smiles. "Next time.", he says and kissed Jisoo's forehead before placing both his feet down on the floor, leaving Jisoo speechless on the bed.

She then clears her throat. "Then I need to get out of this place quickly.", she jokingly says.

Taehyung just chuckles as he buttons up his shirt and just takes off his necktie, it was suffocating him. "Do you want to eat?", he asks. "I can buy you food. Just tell me anything you want.", he says.

"Nothing. Just stay.", Jisoo says. "I... I missed you.", she lays down on the bed in a comfortable position while she watched Taehyung grab his wallet from the pocket of his suit jacket.

Taehyung then looks at Jisoo and smiles. "I'll be back.", he says as he holds onto his wallet and leaves the VIP room.


General Lee had booked a visit to Mr. Choi, and so they faced each other in one room.

A jail guard was on standby outside the door, while Secretary Park was standing behind Jieun.

"Your son kidnapped one of my Senior Inspector.", she tells the man who was wearing orange clothes. "You mean our Senior Inspector?", he says.

General Lee just scoffs at the choice of words of the old man. "Mr. Choi, you must not have heard.", she leans back on the chair. "I have stripped you off of your title, even if you get out of jail, you won't be able to work for the law enforcement.", she claps back.

Mr. Choi just ignores her and avoids eye contact. "I don't know why you're doing this, but I'm pretty sure someone paid you to do so."

"Your son threatened to kill Senior Inspector Kim, the inspector you cherished the most.", General Lee says. "You stepped on her so you can become Senior Superintendent General, but look where you are now.", she smirks. "Did you really think she'd let you go?"

Mr. Choi's face became blank as soon as she mentions her son. "So? Did you send my son to jail too?", he asks.

"Your son is a top criminal in Jungjin City that's why you won't even let him be recognized because of his wrongdoings.", General Lee stands up from her seat. "Your son unfortunately passed away.", she says. "My deepest condolences."

"What?", Mr. Choi was confused and couldn't believe what she had said. "Is... Is that true?", he wasn't sure whether he should feel free or if he should be sad. Seunghyun is still his son.

"I'll give you one day to visit him at the funeral home beside the Metropolitan Hospital. I'll be leaving now.", General Lee says and exits the room.

Secretary Park was left behind, and he then passed a transparent bag that had Seunghyun's wallet on the table.

"This is the only belonging of Choi Seunghyun we can give you. His phone had already been given to his grandmother.", Jimin says before leaving as well.

Mr. Choi quickly grabs the bag and takes out his son's wallet. All of the money inside were given to Mr. Choi's mother (Seunghyun's grandmother), but there were still pictures.

He takes out a picture and sees himself on it along with a toddler Seunghyun, making him cry ugly inside the visiting room.


Taehyung and Jinyoung stood in front of each other inside the hospital elevator.

Taehyung was inside, while Jinyoung was only stepping in.

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