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"Ma, I'm home!", Jisoo steps inside her family's house. Despite already having her own house, her mother usually calls Jisoo and Jin once in a while to stay the night.

"Jisoo? Is that you?", her mom, still wearing an apron, runs to the front door where Jisoo is still taking off her shoes.

"You didn't have to see me come in, Mom.", Jisoo giggles as she sees her mother's wide grin. "Well, I have to see my beautiful daughter. Eat first before you wash up."

"How about dad?", Jisoo asks before her mother goes back to the kitchen. "He's still on his way.", she replies.

Jisoo's smile fades as she enters her old room, but Jin was inside, sleeping. They often switch rooms ever since Jin became a doctor. He used to come home very sleepy and forgets his room is the last room of the right side of the house.

She clicks her tongue after exhaling, watching Jin sleep still wearing his work clothes and work ID. His mouth was open and he was snoring.

Jisoo then proceeds to her closet and grabs her pyjamas, then walks to the bathroom to wash up and change her clothes.

After almost thirty minutes, Jisoo quickly goes to the dining room and takes a seat. Her mom placed the final dish on the table.

"What are we going to do with Seokjin?", Jisoo asks her mom.

"I'll go wake him up.", Mrs. Kim says, then looks ahead after hearing a car engine from outside. "I think your dad is here. Go greet him, and I'll bring Jin.", she tells Jisoo who quickly stood up and run to the front door.

Mr. Kim was about to open the door when Jisoo did it for him. "Dad!", Jisoo excitedly says and hugs her father. "Oh! Jisoo, I might break my bones.", her dad teases her, making her pout.


Jisoo munched on the fried chicken with her hand, while she was silently teasing Jin by making funny faces. Jin had messy hair from sleeping, and their father was also looking at him.

"Look at him. Jisoo, what's that game with the zombie and plants again?", her father asks.

"Ah. Plants versus Zombies?", Jisoo softly laughs. "He practically lives at the hospital.", she adds.

"He's the zombie.", Mr. Kim points Jin, then looks at Jisoo. "And you're the sunflower."

"Oooh!", Jisoo and Mr. Kim laughs and does a fist bump. "Hey! How about me?", Mrs. Kim asks.

"You? You're that walnut-looking-like character.", Mr. Kim laughs again, and  Mrs. Kim just playfully pouts.


Dinner ended quick, everyone was tired from work, but they were all glad to see each other again.

Jisoo knocks on Jin's door and then comes inside his room. He was playing an online game on his computer.

"Hey, I have a question.", Jisoo sits down the edge of Jin's bed. "What is it? Come on, this is a rank game.", Jin says, his hands becoming quick.

"It's been bothering me the whole day.", Jisoo says. "Mhm.", Jin replies.

"Someone just told me to not trust Jinyoung. I think he talked behind my back.", she says.

"Ah. That bastard.", Jin was still focusing on his rank game. "Don't you even dare dating him again just because you're his partner inspector!", he adds, continuously clicking on the mouse to shoot the enemies.

"But what's making me curious is that the guy who told me about Jinyoung also asked for my age.", as soon as Jisoo finished her statement, a loud explosion from the game was heard, completely killing Jin's character. So he turns around from his gaming chair and faced Jisoo. "A guy? Who?", he asks.

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