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hi my lovelies! i'm so sorry i haven't put out chapters for such a long time. i was super busy with moving and had some personal stuff going on. but i'm back! and super excited to continue sharing aira and elien's story with you guys. chapters will be less frequent now because i'm super busy with school but i'll try to post at least three chapters a week. tysm for the love, patience and interest. i hope you guys love the next few chapters i've got planned! stay safe and healthy. constantly sending love and positive energy <33


Her eyes wide, she stares at him as he enters the room, a little disheveled. She looks to her father, who has a look of surprise on his face, which quickly turns to anger. Phillip doesn't even look at her as his deep, mature voice booms through the room.

"What is he doing here?" He says very loudly but is not quite yelling. He looks to the Sani's who just shrug. 

"We thought both of you would have to be here for this," Ekon says with a smug smile. Aira always didn't like him. He was so sure of himself to the extent that it made him arrogant. Even though Iyanla was her best friend and sister, she practically despised Ekon. He always had a nasty trick up his sleeve. 

But this, can not be happening right now.

Elien's board members usher him to his seat before he can retort. He is fuming. 

"Well does someone want to explain what exactly is going on?" Elien's voice dominantly turns all the heads in the room. Including her fathers. 

Ekon's father holds up his hand before speaking, 

"Well I'm not sure if you are both aware but we've been investing in both of your companies. We have made quite an income but it is time to make a larger investment in only one of your companies. This is why we are here today, to pick." He says calmly. 

Disbelief paints the faces of everyone in the room. Some turn to rage, others to confusion while some remain solemn.

"What is the meaning of this?" Aira asks, still not quite being able to process what just happened.

"Well allow me to explain sweetie," Ekon says. Here we go, another one of his mansplaining lectures.  "The way investing works-,"

"I know the way investing works, pumpkin," She spits back and glances around the room. 

Elien watches them with an amused smirk on his face. "You think this is funny?" She asks him, practically simmering with rage. He just holds up his hands in protest.

"Alright then," Ekon's father continues, turning everyone's attention back to him, "We will give you both two months to prove yourselves and whoever generates the most income in that amount of time will become our only and continuous  investment."

"You can't be serious Abeo, we have been partners for almost twenty years." Aira's father turns to him.

"Well as far as I can recall, so have we," Elien chimes in.

"Don't speak, you are barely twenty yourself," Phillip snaps at him, Elien's face doesn't falter.

"That doesn't mean that I'm not aware of my companies history."

"It isn't yours yet," Phillip snarks, his voice rising slightly.

"How dare you speak to me like this?" Elien retorts, his voice almost a yell.

"I will speak to you however I please, you are still a child." The situation has escalated to a screaming match and Ekon seems to be enjoying it, while Abeo, his father is starting to look a little worried.

"Gentlemen!" Aira finally shouts, "Please take this catfight outside if you must, we're here to discuss business not fuel personal vendettas." 

All men in the conference room look taken aback, even Aira's father. He's at a loss for words while Aira stares them both down. Then she looks to Abeo who gives her a respectful nod while Ekon looks pissed that the "fun" is over.

"Is everything clear?" Abeo asks.

"No. Nothing is clear. This is a betrayal, Abeo." Her father starts again. She reaches for his hand and squeezes it forcefully.

"Can we take a moment alone?" Aira smiles sweetly at everyone. Then she looks to her father and they both rise.


"What are you thinking, Aira?! This is humiliating."

"No. Look at it this way. If we 'win' we will be viewed as stronger than Deveraux Technology and we will get an even higher investment. It will show them we are better."

Phillip takes a couple of minutes to think about this. Finally, he says, "Alright then, I'll be trusting your judgment."

That was definitely easier than she thought.

They return to the conference room to see Elien shaking hands with Abeo.

"It's a deal," He says while Abeo smiles gratefully. Elien starts to leave the room and while he walks past Ekon, he "accidentally" kicks him in the shin.

"Ow, what the fuck Deveraux?!" Ekon all but yells. Abeo stares him down for the language.

"Oops, accident, sorry," Elien says voice dripping with sarcasm. 

Abeo turns his attention toward Aira and Phillip and offers his hand, "Do we have a deal?"

Aira steps up to him and extends her hand, "We do," She says stern-faced and bows her head.

As she steps back to leave the room she finds herself face to face with Elien. She gets a scent of his cologne, it is deep and musky. 

As she brushes past him, he whispers so low that only she can hear, "Do your worst."

It's a challenge. They lock eyes for a split moment and then she scoffs.

"This is going to be easy."

At that, he just winks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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