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It's a new day. As the sunlight trickles into her room, her eyes flutter awake. She glances at the clock it reads 7:30. Perfect, just in time for work and before her parents can notice she is gone. 

Aira tiptoes out of bed and into her bathroom. The sink runs as she splashes the cold water on her face. She feels more tired than she has ever been. Even though she won't admit it, the same routine is starting to get to her. 

She turns off the tap just to run a new one. Showers at this time of the morning are her favorite. Peaceful and serene, with no one to bother her. She wishes she could turn on some music to brighten the morning even more, but she knows her parents are light sleepers. As warm droplets of water run down her, she makes a mental note of all the things she has to do today. Livia isn't going to go easy on her just because she is tired. 

When she's done, she walks slowly to her closet, avoiding the parts where the floor creaks. She reaches deep inside and pulls the latch. Her uniform neatly lays there from the week before. 

She pulls it out and puts it on. Her hair lays in a neat low bun with a few strands in the front that she pulls out.

The train rides are her favorite. The 30-minute commute from the Upper East Side to Little Italy is the one place where she doesn't have to worry about being seen. The bustle of New York City never ceases to amaze her.  And, even though it's entertaining to people watch and try to figure out others, this time, Aira pulls out her book. Lord of the Flies, certainly not her favorite but it's required for school. Time seems to fly by more quickly this time even though the first few minutes of reading are antagonizing. 

The train stops and Aira just about steps out before the doors are closing again. She checks her watch, and it's 8:13. Just about enough time to get to Livia's. She plucks her headphones out of her bag and starts walking.

The windchime echos as she enters. Livia's head pops out from behind the counter.

"Aira, mia cara, you are 3 three minutes late," Livia says while struggling to get up from behind the counter.

"Oh, nonna I apologize, I seemed to get too caught up in my book this morning." Aira calmly responds holding up the copy and looks Livia dead in the eye. They both burst out laughing at the same time. Livia's laugh is full and wholehearted, holding so many memories. She slowly ambles toward Aira and sweeps her in a motherly embrace.

"Monday could have not come any sooner." Livia chuckles, her chest reverberating with happiness. "Now go, go, go! The work will not get done by itself, ragazza." She says pulling away from Aira, her hands still remaining on her arms. 

Her deep Italian accent makes it seem more like a command than a gentle reminder, so Aira obliges. She reaches for her green apron and Livia helps her tie it in the back. Aira runs her fingers over the name on it, "Livia's flowers", the fabric smooth under her fingertips. After Livia is done perfecting her knot, she ushers her to the desk and points out the dozens of orders that need to be done for the day. Most of them include roses. Perfect. 

As Aira gets to work, picking out the bloomed flowers and tying up bouquets, she looks back at nonna, who is working in the back room. She has so much love for her,  Livia's motherly presence makes her feel more at home than she's ever been in her own home. Her floral perfume always overpowers the actual scent of flowers when you walk into the shop. And nonna is a bit peculiar but that's what Aira loves about her. She's been teaching her bits of Italian ever since Aira started working in the shop and it has brought them closer together.

 Nonna is probably around 70 though, Aira never asks because it's impolite. She is sweet but she can be fierce too. And more than anything she loves and nurtures her family. Aira dives even further into her thoughts, so much so, she doesn't realize nonna had yelled she was going to the bathroom. Aira turns to call back but her finger gets pierced by the rose thorn she was planning on cutting.

She sweares in her head and reaches for the nearest tissue. When she pulls it away, she sees the thorn is stuck in her finger. She quickly walks to the backroom, her eyes searching for the med-kit. She spots it on top of the sink and reaches for it. She pulls out the tweezers and disinfectant spray and plucks the thorn out. There is more blood than she expected. She holds the tissue firmly on the wound as the windchimes echo in the store. Nonna is still nowhere to be found.

"Hello, signora Livia!" After a pause, "Anyone here?" Aira could faintly place that voice but knowing that nonna wasn't coming down anytime soon she heads towards the front desk, still holding her hurt finger. She stops as she sees who it is. 

Elien Deveraux.

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