My Queen

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Once upon a time lived a beauty and a beast, literally. This Beauty and Beast got married in front of 3,000 of their closest friends and family. 20 years ago, they created the United States of Auradon and were elected King and Queen. What happened to all the villains? They got booted off the Isle of the Lost. The Isle was surrounded by a barrier that kept out all magic. They were trapped there. A few years later, Beauty was pregnant with twins. She gave birth first to a bouncing baby boy whom she and her Beast named Benjamin. She gave birth second to a beautiful little girl. The Beast decided to name her Maebelle after his lovely wife. It wasn't the Beauty's first choice for her name, but she was okay with it. The name reminded her of her father, Maurice. Benjamin and Maebelle were as close as siblings could be. Beauty and Beast could hardly tell the difference between the twins at birth, but as they grew older, it was much, much easier. They were only fraternal twins after all. Oh, the Beauty and Beast? Belle and Adam. Benjamin and Maebelle? Ben is my brother, and I'm Maebelle. More preferably, Mae. There was only a short period of time until Ben was crowned King. That's why I said he was born first. Firstborns are the rulers. If I was born first, I would be Queen, but I wasn't so I'm not. Ben and I had a conversation. We both didn't like the fact that the villain's children had to stay on the Isle. It wasn't fair. They were innocent. Ben and I brainstormed. We decided that his first proclamation would be to give the children of the Isle of the Lost a chance. Starting with four children. Who were those children you ask? Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil. Jay, son of Jafar. Evie, daughter of the Evil Queen. And...Mal, daughter of Maleficent. We thought they could use it the most. Now only to tell Mom and Dad. Ben was getting fitted. He looked off out to the Isle. I could feel how nervous he was. Mom and Dad walked in.

"How is it possible that you're gonna be crowned king next month?" Dad questioned. "You're just a baby!"

"They're turning 16, dear," Mom said as they stood next to me.

"Hey, Pops," Ben said.

"Sixteen?" Dad questioned. "That's far too young to be crowned king. I didn't make a good decision until I was at least 42." Mom scoffed.

"Uh. You decided to marry me at 28," Mom said.

"Well, it was either you or a teapot," Dad joked, causing Ben and I to laugh. "Kidding."

"Mom, Dad," Ben started, as he tried stepping down, but the tailor wouldn't allow it. "I've chosen my first official proclamation." They were excited to hear it. "I've decided that the children on the Isle of the Lost be given a live here in Auradon." Mom dropped what she was holding. They were both stunned. Ben stepped down as he walked closer, and I walked over to his side as he said,

"Every time we look out to the island, we feel like they've been abandoned."

"The children of our sworn enemies?" Dad asked. "Living among us?"

"We start out with a few at first," I said. "Only the ones who need our help the most."

"I've already chosen them with the help of Mae," Ben said.

"Have you?" Dad asked.

"I gave you a second chance," Mom told him. "Who are their parents?" Ben and I gave each other a look, knowing they weren't gonna like the last one.

"Jafar," I started.

"Cruella De Vil," Ben said.

"Evil Queen."

"And...Maleficent." Made him say it. The tailor gasped as Dad yelled,

"Maleficent? She is the worst villain in the land!"

"Dad, just hear me out here," Ben started.

"I won't hear of it. They are guilty of unspeakable crimes!"

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