Daughter of Hecate meet Son of Poseidon

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For as long as I can remember, I've lived in Camp Half-Blood. I've lived and trained at Camp Half Blood. I have a few close friends. One of them being Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy. Right, the Gods and Goddesses exists and their children live in Camp Half-Blood. Some of the Gods and Goddesses came to Earth and mated with humans. One of those Goddesses were my mother, Hecate, Goddess of Magic, Necromancy, and Crossroads. She's a goddess of a lot of things. As well as producing children. I've never met my half-siblings, but I know there's a few of them out there. Anyway, I'm also friends with Grover Underwood and Luke Castellan. Grover is a satyr and Luke is the son of Hermes, who is basically just the messenger of the Gods while also being a God Himself. Luke hates him, but I never understood why. Things in Camp Half-Blood were always quiet. We had quests and challenges here and there, but it was quiet. Until one Fateful day, Zeus' lightning bolt went missing and who was to blame? Poseidon's son. Zeus blamed his own nephew...who didn't reside in Camp. We'd all heard of this son, but no one had ever seen him...except Grover. The two were best friends. Poseidon's son, to my knowledge, didn't know he was a demigod. He had no clue how special he was. This son's name? Percy Jackson. I've seen him in my dreams. Most demigods have dreams of the past, present, and future. Me? I only ever dream about the future. Maybe that's because of my mother or it's the Fates playing a sick trick. My dream got clearer each day. The dream was about Percy. I see him looking at me and turning to Grover to ask a question. We never talk. The clearer the dream got, the more I knew Percy was going to arrive to Camp Half-Blood, and as the Fates would have it, he did. That morning, I woke up pretty early. Usually, I'm a night owl and I sleep most of the day, but that day felt weird. I sat up out of my bed and got ready for the day. I walked out of my cabin and already, Annabeth was already training. She noticed me as I walked around camp. She put her weapon away and came over.

"You're never up this early," she told me. "What time did you go to bed last night?"

"Surprisingly early," I told her. "I don't know, Annabeth. Today...I don't know."

"Maybe you're still tired. Go eat something, maybe you'll feel better." I nodded and headed that way. I ate and the day went on. That night, word spread around camp that Percy Jackson was here. No one seen him for three days and for those three days, my body wanted to sleep and wake up earlier. I was talking with a daughter of Aphrodite, there are many by the way, when I seen him. I looked up and saw this boy with dark hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes. He was walking and talking with Grover. That had to be Percy.

Percy Jackson

I noticed a girl. She had long, black hair and piercing green eyes. She was talking with someone and she noticed me. She smiled a bit when she seen me, but her friend took her attention away.

"Who's that?" I asked Grover, motioning to her. He laughed and said,

"You should stay away from her."

"Her name, Grover."

"Thea, daughter of Hecate, the goddess of magic. She's pretty dangerous, man. I've got something else to show you."

Thea Huxley

Percy and Grover walked away. The first battle of the day came around. Annabeth and I were always on the same team and usually guarding the flag. Percy and Grover walked up.

"Heroes!" Chiron shouted. "Warriors! Fall in!" We all gathered around. I noticed Percy pretty quickly, as he did me. We stared a bit at each other. Annabeth put her elbow on my shoulder to lean on. Chiron made Percy step forward.

"This is Percy Jackson," Chiron said, which caused murmurs about. "And he's gonna need a team."

"We'll take him!" Luke's voice called out. He got closer. "I'm Luke...son of Hermes and camp leader — not necessarily in that order. Where's your helmet?"

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