Always You

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What if Captain America had a little sister? Well, here's the what if. My name is Coralie Rogers, the younger sister of Steve Rogers, and the youngest of our little friend group. The group was me, my brother, and James Buchanan Barnes, or who we liked to call: Bucky. I've had a crush on Bucky for as long as I could remember, but I was slowly getting over it...sort of. I had my first date with some guy I went to school with. I mean, he was nice, but he definitely wasn't Bucky. Either way, me and this guy met at the diner for some food and a new drink called a milkshake. We were in the midst of talking when Bucky walked in. I looked up at him and he nodded me over. I sighed and said,

"I'll be right back." He smiled with a nod. I got up and walked over to Bucky.

"What?" I asked him. "I'm in the middle of a date." I crossed my arms. He didn't say anything as he handed me a paper. I was confused as I took it. I opened it and saw what it said. Basically, Bucky had been drafted. My jaw dropped as I looked back up at him. Bucky didn't want to fight in the war, but Steve did. Even more so when I joined as a medic.

"Oh, Bucky," I said, feeling horrible. He shook his head a bit as he said,

"I can't tell Steve."

"Why not?" I asked. He gave me a look. Steve would be heartbroken for Bucky if he knew Bucky didn't want to go fight. Bucky was always persistent for Steve not to go. I sighed and agreed to not say anything. I pulled Bucky into a hug.

"I'm really sorry, Buck," I told him. We let go and Bucky went to tell Steve he enlisted. I went back to my date...but things went horribly wrong. When we went to leave, he pulled me into the alleyway and beat and raped me. I didn't know what to do as I walked home. I knew Bucky was going to be there and I knew what he'd do, what Steve would attempt to do. I could tell the bruises were already forming. I also felt horrible. I approached home. I saw Bucky and Steve talking through the window. I got up to the door and slowly reached to open it. I hesitated a lot. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The two boys turned to me as they had been celebrating. As soon as they saw me, they ran over to me and talked simultaneously. They both asked questions and as soon as Steve mentioned the date, Bucky went quiet. Steve noticed and asked,

"What? What is it?"

"Did he do this to you?" Bucky asked. I didn't get the chance to say anything before Bucky started out the door. I called his name and called for him to stop, but he kept going. He was pissed. Steve and I chased after him. Bucky was faster than both of us and we didn't get to him in time. Bucky found him pretty quickly and started beating the crap out of him. Steve jumped in to help Bucky, to no avail as he got punched in the face. Steve fell to the ground and I tried pulling Bucky off, but couldn't. In the midst of trying to pull Bucky off, I got hit in the face. I fell to my knee as I held my face. Blood dripped down and I heard cops coming to break the fight up. I stood up and noticed Bucky was also bloody. The cops had both boys. One of the officers noticed Bucky had his papers and let him off with a warning. A few girls I knew from the diner came over. They swarmed around me, but I was having a stare-down with Bucky. He panted out of breath from the fight. The girls got my attention and asked various questions. "What happened? Are you okay?" That sort of thing. One of the girls touched my face and I pushed her hand away.

"I'm fine," I told her. I pushed myself away from them and headed home where I got cleaned up. Bucky and I were both sent for the basic training. And then more training. I eventually got back and hung out with Steve a lot. I got my orders pretty quickly. After a bit, Steve and I went to see a movie before I had to leave that next day. They had a promo, or whatever, on-screen playing before the movie about the war.

"Who cares?" Some guy shouted. "Play the movie already!"

"Hey, you wanna show some respect?" Steve asked them, quietly. He was quiet and it continued to play.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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