Draco Malfoy X Elizabeth L. Potter

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Almost all stories start with a tragic background. This story is not different at all. Sorry if you wanted a happy beginning. To start off, let me tell you who I am. My name is Eliza, well Elizabeth. Elizabeth Lily Potter, named after my mother. I have a twin brother named Harry James Potter, named after our father. Which means, you guessed it, my parents are James and Lily Potter, née Evans. And the tragic part? My parents are dead. How you ask? A stupid car crash...at least, that's what Harry and I were told by Petunia Dursley, our aunt. Petunia is married to Vernon and has a son, Dudley. Anyway, Harry and I were born on July 31st, 1980. Harry's fifteen minutes older than I am. There are some differences between Harry and I. He has blue eyes, I have green. We both have black hair. Harry is also visually impaired and I'm not. Basically we're mini versions of our parents except Mum didn't have black hair. Where does this story start? Well... at the house on 4 Privet Drive lived the Dursley's...and Harry and I. Our room was under the stairs. The floor was basically our beds and barely had any room for clothes...not like we had much of that anyway. We didn't have much of anything really. Dudley got all of everything. Today, however, was the worst day of the year. Dudley's birthday. It also meant our birthday was in a month. Eleven years old. Harry and I were still sleeping when Petunia turned on our light.

"Up," she told us. "Get up." She knocked on the door a few times and unlocked the door. "Now!" She hit it again before her footsteps departed. Harry turned on the light and put his glasses on. Dudley ran up and down the stairs. Jumping on them too. I rolled my eyes with a sigh as he said,

"Wake up, cousins! We're going to the zoo!" Harry got up and opened the door. I started to follow when Dudley pushed Harry. He got bumped into me making me fall back. We got up and into the kitchen as our Uncle and Aunt wished Dudley a happy birthday.

"Why don't you two just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything?" Petunia told us. We got started.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," Harry and I said in unison.

"I want everything to be perfect," she continued. "For my Dudley's special day!" Harry started to plate things as Vernon said,

"Hurry up! And bring my coffee, girl!"

"Yes, Uncle Vernon," I said and grabbed his coffee.

"Aren't they wonderful, darling?" Petunia asked her son.

"How many are there?" Dudley asked.

"Thirty-six. Counted them myself," Vernon answered.

"Thirty-six?" Dudley shouted in anger. "But last year--last year I had thirty-seven!"

"Yes, well, some of them are quite a bit bigger than last year's."

"I don't care how big they are!" Petunia calmed her son down. He got literally everything he wanted. We started to leave to the zoo. Vernon gave us the lecture we usually got. We got to the zoo. We were at a python.

"Make it move," Dudley said. Vernon tapped the glass.

"Move!" He told the sleeping snake. Dudley banged his hand on the glass and shouted the same thing.

"He's asleep!" Harry told our cousin.

"He's boring." The three walked away.

"Sorry about him," Harry told the snake. "He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day, watching people press their ugly faces in on you." The snake winked at Harry.

"Can you hear me?" Harry asked it. He sat up and nodded. "It's just...I've never talked to a snake before. Do you...I mean...Do you talk to people often?" It shook it's head no. "You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Do you miss your family?" It looked over and we followed. 'Bred in captivity'.

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