Steve Harrington X Katherine Mayfield

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The crashing waves of California and the seagull chirps were my favorite sounds when I'd wake up in the morning. I was 10 years old when my mother married Neil. Mom introduced us to his son, Billy. We were the same age, Billy and I. My sister, Max, was 4 years younger than us. Over the next 7 years, Billy was verbally abusive to Max and I. When he grabbed her for the first time, I hit him and then he hit back. Neil was proud Billy had given me a black eye. Max cried in bed with me that night. Mom and Neil decided they were going to uproot us and move to Hawkins, Indiana. Billy complained the whole time we packed and drove. I was sad to leave the beaches behind as we moved inland. The one thing I knew Billy and I had in common was our love of surfing. Once I turned 18, I was sure to move back to California. Away from Neil and Billy. I'd never tell Mom, but Neil liked to harass me. Sexually harass me. Scared off any boyfriend I had or any man who showed interest in me. It was a nightmare living in the Hargrove household. Max and I were mad we had to leave Dad. Going to the high school was a drag. Billy and I started to the school as Max skated off.

"Remember—," Billy had started.

"Yeah, no boyfriends," I said.

"Dad will get pissed."

"Your dad," I muttered as I got inside. I got my locker and class schedule. As I walked to my class, some asshat bumped into me. He knocked everything out of my hands. I let out a small groan as I started to bend down to pick up the papers and folders. The man apologized profusely. He babbled.
"I'm sorry."
"I didn't see you there."
"I should watch where I'm going." He paused as we made eye contact. 'Don't get a boyfriend' ran through my head as I looked at him. Dark hair and eyes. His eyes were soft and apologetic. I realized I held my breath for a moment as I was admiring him. I let it out as I looked away, down at the papers in my hand.

"I've never seen you here before," he said. "Are you new?" I glanced up at him as I stood up.

"Yeah," I answered, trying not to talk to him long. He handed me my things.

"I'm Steve Harrington," he said, and held out his hand to shake. I looked around to try and find Billy and never seen him. I looked back to Steve.

"Kate," I said, but didn't shake his hand. "Kate Mayfield."

"Well Miss Mayfield, where are you headed right now?" He asked. "I could point you in the direction." I just handed him my schedule. He helped me to my first class. We got to the door and he leaned against the wall.

"How about I swing by and walk you to the rest of your classes?" He suggested. I stared at him. What if Billy saw us?

"We'll see," I said and walked into class. The class went by and Steve kept his word and showed up. He walked me to my next three classes before I ditched him. I couldn't let Billy see us together or he might get ideas. End of the day came around and I was walking out to meet Billy. He had girls and guys alike checking out him or the car. I sighed as I shook my head.

"Kate," Steve said as he found me. I turned to him. "Hey, what happened? I was gonna walk you to the rest of your classes and—?" There was a loud whistle that caught my attention. I swerved my head to meet Billy's gaze. It was hard to lie to Billy, but maybe I could've. I turned to look at Steve before I walked off towards Billy.

"Who was he?" He asked as I got to the car. "And don't lie."

"Ran into me in the halls," I said. "Wanted to apologize." Billy turned his head away. Either he believed me or he knows I lied and won't show it. We waited on Max before heading out. We got home and went to our room. Max and I shared a room with a bunkbed. She liked bottom bunk. We sat on our respective beds.

"Anything happen today?" I asked my sister. I tried to stay close to her.

"No," she said after a moment. Her little Max pause. I put my work to my lap as I knew she was hiding something.

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