Cursed Trouble

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"Do you think Mom will be mad that we skipped school?" I asked my siblings as I ate another bite of my mint chocolate chip ice cream. The two shrugged their shoulders. My two siblings, Derek and Laura Hale. Derek was 18 and Laura was 22. Laura lied at school to get me and Derek out for the day. 'Doctors appointment'. Then again, she was skipping her course at the college, too.

"Why don't you finish eating your ice cream, Nat?" Derek told me. "And then we can see if Cora is feeling up to join us at the park or something?" Cora was two years older than I was and she wasn't doing so well with everything going on.

"Mom won't let her," Laura muttered to Derek not thinking I would hear her. "Not with the full moon coming up. You know Mom's rules."

"She can't say she's sick forever," Derek snapped back, still whispering. "Cora should be celebrating Natalia's birthday."

"And so should Uncle Pete and Mom," I chimed in. My siblings turned from looking at each other to me. Their eyes grew soft as they realized I was listening.

"You're right, little Ivy," Laura said. I groaned at the nickname my eldest sister called me. She knew I hated it. "Let's go see Cora."

"After she finishes her birthday ice cream," Derek told Laura. I smiled at my only brother. He smiled back. So, I hurried up to eat my ice cream as fast as I could without getting a brain freeze. As I finished my cone, and my siblings threw their cups away, we started to head out the door. As we got to the car, we noticed fire trucks and ambulances. We got in the car and headed home, thinking nothing of the emergency vehicles. We saw smoke a few miles from home.

"Hey, the fire must be near our house," I said, innocently. Not thinking it could be our house. When we arrived home, we discovered that it was our house on fire.

"Stay in the car," Derek told me. The two got out of the car and walked over to the officers. I fiddled with my hands as I sat in the car. I watched Laura cry and Derek put his hands on his head. I didn't understand what was happening. Derek and Laura walked back to the car in a hurry. They both got in. I could see their tears. Laura started driving again. Fast actually.

"Where are we going?" I asked my siblings, but they didn't answer. I looked at Derek. He always answered me. Even if Mom didn't want him to. "Derek?" Derek looked at me in the mirror. We passed a Beacon Hills exit sign.

"Pull over at a rest stop," Derek told Laura.

"Are you kidding me, Derek?" Laura asked him, not looking at him. "We can't stop!"

"She needs to understand what just happened," Derek snapped back. "She can't feel it like we can." I didn't know what was going on. "Laura!" I watched Laura grip the steering wheel.

"If we stop, they'll catch up," Laura told Derek. "They'll kill us and her." She tried to be quiet about the last sentence, but I still heard it.

"If we don't stop, what do you think is gonna happen with her?" Derek asked Laura. "She's ten." Laura looked over to Derek. "She's ten years old, Laura!" Laura looked back to the road and pulled off at the nearest rest stop a few miles down the road.

"I'll go get some snacks," Laura said. She got out with some cash and headed up. Derek got out and got in the backseat with me. He made me face him.

"What's going on?" I asked Derek.

"The fire," he started. " killed everyone in the house. Uncle Pete survived, but he's the only survivor and he's not doing well."

"Mom...and Cora?" I felt myself starting to cry. "They're gone?" Derek nodded. I started crying harder. Derek pulled me close and just held me. Eventually, Laura came back and we started driving again. Derek stayed with me in the backseat. Our life in Beacon Hills, California ceased to exist and our new life began in New York. We got a good apartment, I started school, made a friend named Emily, and I began my transformation at around 12 years old. It wasn't easy and I couldn't remember my first full moon night. Derek and Laura said it went great, but my next full moon was hard. Derek helped me a lot and without him realizing it, he became my anchor to stop me from transforming. Derek took me to crime scenes to help me learn how to use my senses. A couple of years later, I started my sophomore year. Laura left New York and went to Beacon Hills for some reason. She didn't tell me and I wasn't sure if she told Derek, but he never said anything. It was the last day before break and I had a really good school day with a terrible feeling as I walked outside.

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