Chapter One

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It's been two long months, since the birth of both Simba and Vitani.

Two long agonising months, since Sarabi and Diego became first-time parents. Struggling and having no clue on what to expect from their very little bundle of joys. Though it shouldn't have been hard, they had Crash and Eddie as their children, but this... This was a lot different.

The days dragged out for the first couple of days, making it overwhelmingly hard for Sarabi. Sarabi felt so much stress, making her feel like she's not cut out to be a full-time parent. With having severe doubts, Sarabi felt like quitting most of the time.

But she has her mate Diego, her brother Manny, her sister-in-law Ellie, her little niece Peaches, her two adopted sons Crash and Eddie and that one annoying uncle Sid. To help her overcome the overwhelming feeling and powered through.

It was tough at first, trying to find a schedule. With the help of her family, she managed to do what her mother failed to do.

The day the twins were born, Sarabi vowed that she wasn't going to ditch them. Thinking back to it, Sarabi felt guilty that she was going to walk away from her babies. Soon that doubt turned into nothing, as she looks around her, with a soft smile. This is her home, this is her life.

This is her own little family, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Soon the days turned into weeks and those weeks turned into months. Simba and Vitani finally learnt how to walk. It amuses Sarabi till this day, seeing her cubs walk for the first time. The determination on Vitani's face as she puffed her cheek, her eyes held nothing but concentration as they locked onto her father's figure just outside the cave, who was talking to Manny and Sid.

The clear amusement and surprise on Sarabi's face as she watched her daughter wobble and fall on her stomach multiple times with small 'oofs' coming from her little mouth. A chuckle always leaving Sarabi's lips.

It only took another minute of Vitani falling over herself, before she managed to make a beeline straight towards her father. A goofy grin on her lips as her eyes twinkled in amazement as she made it to her father.

Simba growled as he stumbled over his paws yet again, causing a small irritated huff to leave his mouth.

An amused chuckle left Sarabi's mouth, causing Simba to look up at his mother helplessly.

"Do not worry little one. It just takes time and practice." Sarabi picked her son up by the scruff of his neck before placing him between her front paws and started to bath him.

Though Sarabi is glad that her cubs aren't going to be raised how she was, she couldn't help but let a little fear sink into her chest as she continued to bathe her son.

'He needs to start walking soon, they should have already been able to learn weeks ago.' Sarabi pushed the negative thoughts away.

Just as she was finished bathing Simba, Diego came back in carrying Vitani by the scruff of her neck. Placing her next to her brother, Vitani tried to scramble back out of her mother's embrace and into her fathers. But Sarabi stopped her and started bathing her as well, both Diego and Sarabi chuckling as their daughter pouted.

After her bath, Vitani quickly made her way over to where Diego was laying, even though it was right next to Sarabi. A bigger smile appeared on the parents face as Vitani made herself comfortable in front of her father, while Simba did the same thing, except on Sarabi.

You could already tell, who was who's favourite just by looking at the scene. Simba was very much a mummies boy since the day that he was born. Looking completely like Diego, but having Sarabi's sapphire blue eyes. Simba never wanted to leave his mothers side, even when Diego tried to coax him away, he always ended resting on his mothers front legs.

Vitani however, even though she looks exactly like her mother. She has her fathers jade green eyes with flecks of gold in the iris. Vitani is a daddy's girl. From the moment she was born, everyone could tell, just like her brother Simba.

Whoever Diego was, Vitani wanted to be there by his side.

Sarabi couldn't be even happier with her little family.

Crash and Eddie have been the best big brothers they could ever be, always helping whenever Sarabi needed help and always keeping the cubs entertained while Sarabi went out for a few minutes for herself.

Sarabi couldn't wish for a better life, it's just her, her cubs and adopted possums and her mate. As well as her brother and sister-in-law and niece. And her good friend Sid.

Alright, folks. There we have the first official chapter for this book. It's meh but maybe it's not and I'm just once again overthinking things (like normal)
This is the only chapter update that I'm going to be doing for this book for a while.
Going to be focusing back on my others.

Thank you all for being patient, I love you all so much.

I don't deserve you guys at all.

Much love


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