break up prank (requested)

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You continued to toss clothes into your bags and your suitcases as the front door opened and closed. Dove's rushed footsteps followed, your name on her lips as she looked around for you.

"Y/n? Babe? Where are you?" She called and soon appeared in the doorway. The happiness she once felt about finally being home with you disappeared and a frown quickly tugged at the left corner of her lips. The bags around the room made her heart sink deep in her chest.

"Why are you packing? Are we going somewhere?" She wondered and stepped closer to you, just in time to see you zip up one of your now fully packed bags.

"No. I am." You replied and grabbed another bag to continue packing.

"Oh... why?"

"I just need some time away."

"From me?" She asked, the hurt in her voice crystal clear as her heart began to shatter in her chest. "How long do you think you'll be gone?"

You threw your bag down with a huff. Turning around to see her face, you saw the tears in her eyes and tried to keep up your act. But it was hard to ignore the hurt in your heart upon seeing her hurting.

"I feel like we're growing apart."

Her eyes went wide, her sadness overwhelming her and soon, the tears in her eyes were starting to fall. Were you giving her the speech? The speech everyone gives before they say they've reached the end.

"I don't understand. What do you mean growing apart? Is it because I've been busier than usual lately? I-I know I've taken on a lot of new projects but you always cheer me on when I do so."

"Dove, I-"

"No! This isn't fair! You can't just say we're growing apart and decide to leave for who knows how long. I have to fix it. No, I will fix it! If you're serious about leaving, whatever it is you need me to do, I'll do if it means you'll stay." She cried and your shoulders slumped as a wave of guilt flooded over you.

You never meant to take it this far. You didn't think it'd bring her to tears.

"I love you. You're the only one who sees me for who I really am. You're my whole world. You can't just... walk away. Not when we were just talking about being together till we grew old, till our last breaths. Is it my schedule? I know I've been leaving early and getting home really late but I didn't today because I took the evening off to spend with you and I'll do that more often! Just... please, don't go, y/n,"

You rushed to her and pulled her into your arms. As she let her tears fall to your skin and breathed shakily against it, you tried to collect your thoughts and think of how you could ever bring up this entire thing being a prank; a stupid prank that your friends practically dared you to pull. You were only filled with regret now. Heartbroken to see your girlfriend so sad, all because of you.

"Dove, I'm not going anywhere."

She lifted her head and loosened her grip that was once so tight that it was like she was holding onto you for dear life, terrified to let you go in fear that this would be the last time she held onto you.


"Don't get so happy." You chuckled sadly. "Because I have to tell you the truth now. I was never gonna break up with you. It was a prank."

You thought she'd be angry, but she just looked so disappointed. But the longer you saw that look in her eyes, the more you thought the fury you once thought she'd feel was better than this. Because she was looking at you like she didn't even recognize you.

"Are you serious?" She mumbled in disbelief and pulled out of your arms. "A stupid prank, y/n? Why?"

"My friends dared me to."

"So you just went along with it? You didn't think it was stupid for even a second?"

"I knew it was. I regret it. I'm sorry."

She sighed and clenched her jaw and started to look anywhere but at you.

"I'd understand if you wanted to break up for real. I know I hurt you."

"You did." She agreed but soon reached out to put her arm around you and pull you closer. "But I love you too much to ever do something so irrational. No more stupid pranks, okay? I don't like it."

"I don't either."

She kissed your cheek and looked at your messy room.

"Well, you should clean this up. Don't ask me for help after what you just did."

You giggled and put your hands up in surrender, understanding completely where she was coming from. So you quickly fixed up the room and unpacked your bags before joining her in bed for cuddles. She happily held you close, much to your relief, while you promised her that you'd never pull another stupid prank on her again.

Dove Cameron Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now