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3 months into their engagement; 5 months until their wedding

"No. NEXT" Misumi covered Hanakos ears before yelling.

Y/n frowned and looked at the dress that she currently wore. It was a plain white dress that was skin tight, there was nothing special about it. Just white. 

"Why?" Y/n sadly asked.

"Its boring" Tsukiyomi, Misumi and Aya (Hinatas girlfriend) responded.

"You could go for something more... eye catching and less.. plain looking. The dress isnt exciting! You'll want to wear something super gorgeous so that you'll have a fun first night as newly weds" Aya added.

"I wont have enough money for something extravagant"

"I DO~" Tsukiyomi sung.

"No, absolutely not. You arent paying for my wedding dress"

"Aw, why not" She pouted.

"Because wedding dresses are expensive AND... my pride as a woman and a bride will not allow for you to pay."

"Oh my god" Tsukiyomi groaned. "All of the dresses here cost like... pennies to me"

"No" Y/n crossed her arms.

"Fine, fine. Just get dressed into another one"

After running through many dresses, y/n decided to cut her losses and choose a dress somewhere else.

She sighed and slouched in a chair, deciding to take many large bites out of the cake that laid out in front of them. Stress eating, how fun!

Y/n didnt expect dress shopping or wedding planning to be so difficult. She always heard that it was a pain in the ass but she figured that maybe they were just being over dramatic. 

Turns out, they werent being dramatic. In fact, they may have downplayed the hassle of it all. Y/n now understood why Misumi chose to do a simple court wedding.

"Quit shoving your face with cake and try this on" Misumi grinned and handed y/n another white dress. She groaned and snatched the dress from her best friend. All that changing really got tiring and she was seriously becoming frustrated. There were a few she liked but... she felt like they werent right. They werent THE dress. Plus, her friends hadnt been the most encouraging people today.

Y/n took a deep breath. After this, she was going to go home and sleep. Thats all she wanted right now. Peaceful sleep. 

'Lets get this crap over with' Y/n thought and sluggishly walked out of the dressing room.

"Well?" She flatly said.

"Holy shit" Tsukiyomi said, her mouth agape.

"Language" Misumi glared and covered Hanakos ears. "But that is definitely the one" Her eyes beamed as she looked at her best friend in the prettiest dress she had ever seen. Yes, Misumi did pick it out but seeing it on Y/n was a total game changer.

"Mmhm" Aya nodded in agreement.

Y/n figured that the dress had to be insane if it made all three of the girls agree, they had been arguing about dresses all day.

She hesitantly stood in front of the mirror and for the first time that day, a bride stared right back at her. THIS was the dress. The one she would get married in and the thought was more than exciting.

When y/n asked for the price of the dress, she was given a ridiculous price, one that she could never pay.

"Its okay, we can go somewhere else next week. Maybe i'll find a better one" Y/n smiled as best she could and headed towards the front door. 

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