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Y/n just came home from work. She threw her keys on the coffee table and plopped face-first onto the couch. To say that she was exhausted was an understatement.

She loved her job with all her heart but lately, its been such a drag and the physical pain had only gotten worse. It took her a few minutes to even smell the strong aroma of cooked food floating around her apartment. It made her head throb, she winced.

"Youre home" Tendou approached his wife in glee.

"I am" She muttered into the cushions.


"Exhausting!! How was work for you?"

"I should be on the local newspapers soon" Tendou bragged. "A few interviewers and photographers came by the shop today. They wanted a look on the inside about the new chocolates I've made."

Y/n peeled her face off of the couch and faced him, "Really?? That's amazing! It would really help grow the business."

"Thats exactly what I was thinking. Also, I will look damn killer in the paper" He winked.

A sudden and loud knock at the front door made the pair jump to their feet, hearts beating a million miles an hour. Y/n announced that she would answer the front foor.

Y/n lazily opened the door and saw a bald, short man with a mustache and a beer belly stand in front of her. She recognized those peircing eyes anywhere.

Y/n slammed the door in panic and stepped back with her hand over her mouth. "No... no. Please no"

Tendou looked at her in confusion, noticing the tears brimming her wide eyes, all the color drained from her face and she looked petrified.

"Whats going on?" He asked.

"No" Y/n shook her head, "Make him leave! I dont want to see him!"

Tendou was confused, he never saw who was at the front door. "Make who leave?"

"Y/n, please open the door. I need to discuss some things with you" The manly voice pleaded from the other side.

"Why is he here? Why now?" She muttered to herself.

Tendou grabbed his wife by her shoulders, he looked into her terrified eyes, "Y/n who is here?"

"My father, Tori" Her voice shook as he stepped away from her. In all the years they had known each other, Tendou had never once met Y/ns father. She never wanted him to and the stories she had told him about her father made Tendou already hate the man.

"I don't want him here. How does he know where I live?" She shakily grabbed Tendous hand, he felt the genuine fear radiate off of her, "He needs to leave"

Tendou told y/n to hide in the room while he got rid of her father. He brushed his sweaty palms on his pants and opened the door. Tendou learned 2 things in an instant.

1) He'd never tell his wife that the resemblance between her and her father is unreal. Standing side by side, they'd look almost identical, of course, y/n looked a lot more feminine. She had always told Tendou that people said she looked more like her mother, and from what he could tell by the photos, she did look like her mother. However, seeing y/ns dad in the flesh changed his perspective entirely. Surely, y/n would be upset if Tendou told her that she looked like a copy of her father.

2) Never ever judge a book by its cover. Especially with this man. Tendou didn't know what to expect out of y/ns father but the old man that stood in front of him looked as if he wouldn't even hurt a fly. All those years, y/n had made it seem like her father had an unpleasant face but in reality, he looked incredibly kind. Tendou almost couldnt believe that he ever laid hands on y/n. Regardless of his appearance, the fact still remained that y/n was terrified of this man and he had abused her growing up. He would  hurt a fly.

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