Part 3

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The smell of bacon woke Bakugo. He reached for Isabell and realized she wasn't there. He groaned a bit sad. Sleepily he got up and put on some pajama pants and walked into the kitchen. He found Isabell at the stove wearing a pair of shorts and tank top. He poured himself some coffee and walked over to her. Wrapping his arm around her waist he pulled her close to him and kissed her neck. She let out a small moan.

"Morning love birds!" Kirishima greeted from the top of the balcony.

"I forgot we had company." Bakugo whispered into her ear.

Kirishima stretched rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He walked down into the kitchen and went for the coffee pot. He looked at the pair up and down. Noticing the love bites and some scratches.

"Did you two maul each other or something? Someone is going to end up pregnant here I swear." Kirishima took a sip of his coffee

"Huh?" They both blinked at him with a questionable expression

"Well, I didn't hear the two of you, but  I'm between the newly engaged couple and the trio that are Denki, Jiro and Shinso." He took another sip of coffee "I'm just glad I packed ear plugs and headphones."

Isabell just laughed and shook her head. "I'm going to go get dressed for the hike. I also need to cover-"

"No you don't. They all know we're together so it doesn't matter." Bakugo took a sip of coffee before continuing, "Also, that makeup tastes nasty."
"You're not supposed to eat it!"
"He ate something." Kirishima said into his coffee cup. Bakugo laughed and Isabell punched Kirishima's shoulder

"He earned those claw marks and bruises."

"Don't be a brat." Bakugo said firmly with a warning look. Isabell's eyes gleamed with mischief. He knew she was going to push his buttons a bit. She was going to retort, but Todoroki came down.

"Morning hun." She said with her signature smile.

"Morning." He responded. He made the same observations that Kirishima did but chose to not say anything. "Breakfast smells amazing. What's that chirping noise?"

"Birds dude. We are in the woods." Kirishima said with a smile.

"Nope, that's a canary singing. It's my phone, that's Black Canary's ring tone. I hope everything is ok, she doesn't call often." Isabell picked her phone up off the counter. Kirishima pulled the bacon off the fire and placed new strips in the pan

"Hello. Hey Canary. How-" Isabell's eyes went wide. Bakugo noticed and went for her hand. She pulled away, doing so caused him to tense. She was shaking her head with her hand over her mouth. Fear hit her face. 

"I'm here. Yeah, I'm still here. You're sure, like super sure." Isabell turned and walked away into the room. Still reassuring Canary she was on the line.

"What's up with her?" Jiro asked concerned.
"Not sure, but she's frightened by whatever was said on the other line." Denki said concerned
"Kacchan..." Midoriya called to Bakugo using a childhood nick name. "KACCHAN!"
"What dumbass!?"
"You good? Like do you need something?"
"I'm your alibi."
"Deku, whatever news she just got, that made her that  scared, I'm not gonna talk him out of protecting her. Believe me when I tell you-"

Isabell came back out with tear soaked cheeks. Shaking and clearly afraid. 

"He's out. Not legally, he escaped. The most secure prison in all of Gotham and he got out. I'm....I'm..." Bakugo practically ran to her taking her into his arms. She wept for a second. He rubbed her head. 

"I'll kill him."
"Make it look like an accident."

"Izzy," Oraraka began softly "What's going on? Who's out? We want to help but we can't until we know what's going on."

Inhaling Bakugo's scent, she tried to relax. He kissed the top of her head and stepped back just enough to take her face into his hands and wiping away her tears. Her emerald eyes looked up at his crimson ones, she knew she was safe. Nodding, he stepped back. 

"Let me get dressed and I'll explain. If anyone calls again, answer it. I can't deal with them and what they're going to say. It wouldn't surprise me if John Constantine or Zatana show up soon. They're the ones that taught me how to use my magic so be nice." Isabell handed the phone to Bakugo and went into their room. Once the door closed Bakugo let out a frustrated sigh.

  "It's her story to tell. No one is going to like it. I can promise you that." Her phone rang and he looked down "On cue. Hello. I'm her boyfriend who are you? Yes she knows." Bakugo was getting frustrated. Mini fireworks going on in his hands as he spoke to whomever was on the other line. He got off the phone with one person to barely breathe for another person to call. 

Isabell crawled into the bathtub and cried for a few minutes. Trying to ground herself. She was in Japan. Far enough away to not worry hopefully. He was still in Gotham. Still in America. Still far away. After doing some breathing exercises, she got out of the tub and got dressed. Dug around in her closet for clothes and her papers. She had several thick folders. She walked out into the dining room, holding that thick stack. Dressed in Bakugo's pro hero merch. It was like he had her back all the time when she wore it.  With a deep breath, she stepped out of her room into the dining room to face everyone...and the past she was trying to escape.

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