Part 15

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"Mina, they're sleeping." Jiro said
"I know. I just have to check on them." Mina said concerned.
"I'm awake, just stuck." Bakugo was wrapped protectively around Isabell. She tried to nudge him awake, but to no avail he was still asleep. "In our defense, we only got to sleep a few hours ago. Nurses, phone calls, alarms, announcements, you don't get much rest here in the hospital." Isabell was about to wriggle her way up to a comfortable position. Bakugo's head now rested on her stomach. She just played with his hair. 
"He was really upset when you were taken." Jiro started.
"Upset is an understatement. He looked absolutely scary. There's a dent in the fridge door at the cabin." Mina stated wide eyed.
"Doors can be fixed. I've wanted a different refrigerator there any way." Isabell shrugged.
"I'm curious, " Mina began unsurely, "Why did you respond the way you did? While he was beating you."
"I'm curious too." Bakugo said from his resting position. It surprised everyone.
"If I had cried or screamed the way he wanted or begged, there's no telling how far he would've taken it. Delaying him was my only real strategy. He got off on fear." She kissed the top of Bakugo's head. "Knowing he was broadcasting it, and he was doing it to taunt Bakugo, I could only guess how far he was going to go. I had an idea, but no way of knowing. If he was going to take it where I think he may have, I...." Isabell took a breath to steady herself. "There was chance, that prior to him killing me he would've rapped me. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of that." Bakugo kissed her forehead and the two women nodded in understanding. After seeing how Bakugo responded to her being beaten, burned and stabbed, they didn't want to know what he would've done if that scenario had happened. Kirishima had returned with fresh clothes for them. He had Mina pick out Isabell's underwear. He was too much of gent to go through someone's underwear drawer. She was happy to be in jeans and a tee shirt.
"I need a shower, food and a nap." Isabell's voice was frustrated and worn out. "But nooo, we need to make plans while we're in a good mood. It's been almost a week we've been in here and I just wanna see my bed again."
"Hey," Bakugo pulled her into a hug, "We'll make it through today, go back to the cabin, and get that nap. All eight hours of it."
"I know. I also know that you're going to get interrogated something fierce. The rest of the Justice League had to come because Damien, Jason and Dick couldn't get along for five fucking minutes."
"Your family-"
"Insane. The word you're looking for is insane." Isabell said looking up at Bakugo. He made a face causing her to laugh. She made a face at him causing him to laugh. She loved hearing him laugh. He made it a point to make her smile these past few days. It felt good to laugh. After the questions, poking, prodding, scans and interrupted sleep, it felt good to laugh.
"I wonder what's so funny?" Denki asked hearing the laughter on the other side.
"They're making faces at each other." Damien said as a matter of factly
"How do you know?" Denki asked.
"See," He took his phone out of his pocket and showed the pictures.
"Damien," Diana began, "How did you get these shot?" She questioned
"I was trained by an elite group of assassins prior to coming to Gotham."
"You crawled through the vents didn't you?" Isabell said grabbing the phone. She sent the shots to herself and Deku before deleting them. "Those vents are gross. No one knows when the last time the HVAC system was cleaned, they're dusty dank and moldy."
Damien's face dropped. He knew he wasn't going to get those pictures back. "We going or what? I want food."
"So needy."
"Yes Clark, I can be. At least I'm asking for food."
"I unfortunately need to stop by my agency first. Best Jeanist and the PR team have been fielding calls sense this whole thing. I know they're going to have to schedule interviews." Bakugo's voice was edgy and low. He hated doing interviews. 
"We'll ride ahead and get a table."
"Thanks Bruce." Isabell responded

Isabell and Bakugo left in different direction than the rest of the group. They didn't want to dealt with the press. Following a secret tunnel they ended up in the parking garage. They walked to his motorcycle. Isabell saw a note attached and smiled. The Legion of Doom assured that her captor would never be a problem in the future. She went to put it in a saddle bag and noticed something in it.
"What's this?"
"Humph, it's a helmet dumbass."
"I see it's a helmet, but-"
"It's that purple fox one you've been wanting. Press the base of the left ear"
"Call me dumbass again and I'll-OMG IT LIGHTS UP!!!" Pure joy hit Isabell's face. The amount of happiness leaving her, someone would've thought she was five with a brand new toy. "Babe that's amazing. Thank you." She kissed him hard wrapping her arms around him still holding the helmet. Bakugo just smiled. He loved seeing her happy. She liked small gifts or acts of service and rarely, if at all, did she ask for anything expensive. After her engagement ring, this was the most expensive thing he bought her.
"Ya know," Bakugo began in a low soft tone, "We could pull over somewhere and....." He kissed a spot on her neck that made her weak in the knees.
"Mmmmmm. As tempting as you are, I want a shower at our place. Then you're welcome to dirty me up as you see fit. We also have to adult for a bit." She regretfully informed him.
"I know." His voice was exacerbated. 
They mounted the motorcycle and went to his agency. Coming and going through the building before ending up at Jeanist's office. Plans for interviews were made and his hero profile was updated. They left and met everyone at the restaurant. Isabell and Diana excused themselves. When they finally got in the restroom Diana pounced with questions. 
"No phone call. No text or email. I had no idea you met someone and were dating. I can't believe nothing was on social media. Why?"
"Damn Diana chill!" Isabell took a breath. "The night we got engaged I was nabbed. I didn't post because there's some members of his fanbase that are very passionate and overly enthusiastic. We were also just see where it went at first. You're right, I could've at least told you. However," Isabell raised a finger and pointed in the direction of the door, "Seeing what's going on as he and his friend group are getting grilled like chicken, that's a huge part of why I didn't say anything. I know damn good and well if John Constantine hadn't seen us together and got dirt from my man's friends, this would be World War Three out there."
Diana just smiled warmly and gave Isabell a hug. Isabell started to cry a bit. Diana just rubbed her back. "God I'm tired." Isabell laughed and wiped her face.
"We better get back out there before your man blows the door down." They giggled while Isabell got her makeup adjusted. They returned to their seats. Bakugo gave a nod of thanks to Diana who just returned the nod.

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