Part 11

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"Pffft." Isabell spit blood from her mouth. Letting out a cough she tried gasping for air. Finally getting breath into lungs, she got her head to stop spinning. She could feel that she was restrained to a chair. Her arms were tied behind her back first, then her torso tied to the back of the chair. Her ankles tied together in the middle with rope coming off of either side and secured to either leg of the chair. There was a bright light shining right in her face keeping her vision from fully focusing. The room was otherwise empty. A scream ripped through Isabell's chest and throat.
"No one can here you. I'd rather you didn't blow your voice out."
"FUCK YOU!" Venom dripped from her voice.
"You're so much more feisty now." He puller her hair hard enough to feel like her skin was going to separate itself from her skull. "That man of yours hasn't kept you in line at all. All that hard work, undone." He sounded annoyed as he gripped tighter and pulled. He observed the bruising he caused and he seemed pleased with it. "Your friends are far, your family has abandoned you. That man-" He said that last word with distain "hasn't come for you."
Pfft. Isabell spit in her captor's face. After wiping away the blood mixed saliva, he punched her in the temple hard enough to for her lose consciousness again. He placed a strip of fabric over her mouth, gagging her. He was going to use her as an example. Getting her hero to snap. To prove that only one action made either a hero or villain. Isabell was still in her sleeveless dress, the ropes were beginning to rub her arms raw. When she came to, she tried to use her quirk but that was proving fruitless. Her captor had put a quirk dampening collar on her. She continued to struggle against her restraints but that effort was proving to be wasted. She heard the echoing of footsteps in the room and froze. She was still trying to see past the very bright light had continued to shine but she couldn't make anything out in the room. There were no windows so any other form light or ability to identify where she was was gone. 
"I put that collar back on you. Where it belongs on a bitch like you. I can't have you running off again. Especially sense you haven't paid for your last infraction." His voice had a cold menacing tone. 
"Why? Just why?" Isabell did her best to keep her voice calm, flat and emotionless. Remembering the past he put her through, he got off on hearing the fear in her voice. She wasn't going to give him that this time.
"Why not? Women in general have felt their places were equal or above men. Disguising it as caring or nurturing when you want us to be subjecticated." His tone was hateful.
"Great, mommy issues. There's therapy for that ya know. I can recommend two therapists for you. They themselves maybe a bit off their own rockers but great with-" Isabell's face was backhanded. She wanted to give half a giggle. He forcefully took her face into his hand squishing her cheeks.
"I'm going to broadcast your beating. We'll see if that man of yours lives up to his heroic reputation." 
"Get fucked cunt!" 
"That's not proper language for a hero's girl." Forcefully releasing her face he walked off towards the light. After pressing a button a red light flicked on. Isabell did her best to steel her resolve. She knew the moment that Bakugo began witnessing it, that there wasn't going to be anything anyone could do to stop him. 

"GUYS! Check this out, IT's Isabell!" Midoryia exclaimed turning on the television about the fireplace. A growl escaped Bakugo's throat as he looked at the screen. He was on edge fielding calls from Gotham and his boss, Best Jeanist. What energy he thought he lost, came back seeing his fiancé bound and beaten.
"Heroes!" The voice began tauntingly, "I have a hero's girl. I do hope he's watching. In the unlikely event he's not, you can tell him how she begged and replay these beatings for him."
"BASTARD!!!" Bakugo was shaking and seething with rage and anger. He saw Isabell adjust herself to sit as tall as she could. Almost trying to signal that she was going to be strong. Bakugo's phone rang and Kirishima answered it.
"I'm going to see if he can find her in time. I'll drain her of her hope and of her faith in you." He laughed as he walked over to Isabell. Refusing to show any emotion, Isabell stilled herself. "Come on doll, you were such a chatter box earlier. You're going to scream for me." Her captor took out a knife and heated it with a blow torch. Isabell kept her eyes fixed straight ahead. Looking at the camera. Hearing the sound and seeing the flames in her peripheral, she knew he was heating the knife. She stilled herself again. "Don't show fear. Don't show fear." was the mantra going through her head. 

Once the knife started to glow yellow, he turned the torch off and stabbed Isabell in the arm. She didn't cry out like he hoped but her body involuntarily sent tears down her cheeks.
"You were always so pretty when you cried. I think that's why I liked beating you so much. You're actually giving me a challenge now. We'll fix that soon."
"HE'S REALLY DOING THIS!?" Uraraka cried at the horror that just played out on the screen. 
"Iida I know. We're all watching! DAMN IT I'M NOT TOUCHING HIM! If you could see him right now you'd understand why I'm attached to my limbs. I'm putting you on speaker phone.
"EVERYONE! We have traced the broadcast." Iida's strong voice came on over the phone. "Someone snap Bakugo out of whatever state he's in and meet me in an hour. Corrodents have been sent to your phones." 
A yelp ripped through Isabell's throat. The hot tip of the torch touched her neck. Her captor pressed harder into her neck hoping for more of a reaction. She wasn't going to buckle.
"I hope the gods show you no mercy!"
"There's the fight."
Bakugo was frozen watching the events unfold on the screen. He wanted to move. He wanted to run, to find her, to save her. But he couldn't move.
"Buddy," Kirishima began cautiously "Iida sent the location of the broadcast. Lets go get her."
Bakugo left the kitchen without a word. He walked into their bedroom. Found a shirt she wore before dinner and sniffed it. Her scent was going to be the only thing to bring him peace right now. He had unconsciously grabbed his phone. He dialed Alfred's number hoping that he would answer.
"Mr. Bakugo. How can I help you?"
"He has Isabell." Bakugo choked out. He was on the verge of tears. Alfred's heart broke for them. He knew that Bakugo would do everything to get her back. "He's televising her torture to get to me. I'm ashamed that it's working. A friend has traced the broadcast and-"
"We will cross reference that. Master Damien found the feed online. The Justice League and a few members of the Legion of Doom are heading your way. How fast they'll get there is unknown." Alfred could hear Bakugo crying a bit on the other end. 
"Thank you."
"Mr. Bakugo."
"Yes Alfred."
"As a gentleman, I can't condone out right murder." Alfred cleared his throat. "Make him suffer. The heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and spleen all cause death within two to four minutes if stabbed. If the femoral artery, located on the inside of the thigh is cut deep enough, exsanguination occurs in seconds. Do with that information what you will."
"Thank you Alfred. Before I go, we didn't get the chance to announce it. We got engaged yesterday."
"I look forward to the wedding sir."
"You'll be the first invitation out."

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