Part 10

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They all decided to walk around town a bit. Isabell and Bakugo went a different direction. 
"I'm glad you said yes." Bakugo said softly into Isabell's ear. Smiling he pressed his face into her hair and kissed her head.
"Was there ever any doubt?" She said looking at her ring. Admiring how it sparkled and shined in the evening lights.
"No. It's still a relief that you said yes. I appreciate all you do and I want to keep showing you in our own way." His voice was low and mischievous. He tilted her face up with his index finger. Isabell looked at him lovingly. He took her lips with his and kissed her deeply. She was melting into his kiss when her phone started to ring.
"Don't answer that." Bakugo's voice was husky "Please don't answer. Let's have this moment a bit longer." He kissed her again.
"Your phone is going off too." Bakugo's phone was in his jacket pocket. The jacket that Isabell was wearing over her shoulders. The cool autumn air made her chilly. 
"We will deal with it -" A loud boom in the distance cut off his sentence and they turned their heads in the direction of the noise.
"What do you suppose?" Isabell was curious now. She finally answered her phone. 
"Finally!" Uraraka said exasperated. "Get out of there! Both of you!"
"Too late. He's already running in and I'm treating people."
"We're on our way with his uniform and your jump bag."
"Thanks guys."
Isabell told Bakugo that the crew was on their way. She was setting up incident command when the other EMTs got there. Deku dropped a bag in Bakugo's arms and Uravity; Uraraka's hero name; dropped off Isabell's jump bag and help tend to the wounded.
"What do you think is going on Deku?"
"No idea. But it looks like someone may not be able to control their quirk. I'm sorry this had to happen tonight."
"All in being a pro right? Thankfully Isabell is fine. We can try to push them back and wear them out. If we can get them to calm down a bit we maybe able to bring them in without causing more damage." Bakugo came up with the plan while running there.
The smell of gas and overturned earth hit their nostrils. They split up looking for the cause of the explosion. Kirishima, Denki, Shoto, and Shinsou showed, with Jiro and Tysu doing a quick sweep of the buildings. After hours of searching they couldn't find the cause or the person responsible. They were too far to hear any chaos that was going on where Isabell and Uraraka were at. With her quirk Jiro plugged her ears into the earth and heard the screams. She took Tysu and Shinsou down to see what was going on. Bakugo's phone rang.
"You missed hero." A menacing voice came over the line. "She's mine"
"Don't you lay a hand on her!" Bakugo's voice was murderous and steady. Midoryia looked away from the officer he was reporting to.
"She looks absolutely marvelous tonight." He taunted. "I'll make sure, that when she screams, she screams your name. I want it to be the last thing you hear."
"BASTARD!" Bakugo screamed into the phone. He was met with a laugh and a click. The loudest sound in his ears.
"Dynamite!" Midoryia called his hero name, "What's going on?" 
"He's got Isabell."
"Uravity was with her!" A flash of fear hit Midoriya's face. They rushed back to town to see Uravity being loaded into an ambulance. Jiro, Denki, Shinsou and Tysu were being treated for various injuries. Midoryia got into the front of the ambulance that was carrying Uraraka. Shinsou went to Bakugo.
"They all put up one hell of a fight. Isabell was knocked out. With what we didn't see. All we saw was her fall and a tall individual cart her off over his shoulders." Bakugo was breathing heavy and seething. "The police have his picture and everyone is out looking for her."
"I FAILED HER!" Bakugo yelled. Shinsou broke his rule of using his quirk on a friend but he knew that Bakugo was going to charge in without a plan or prayer. 
"I'm going to pay for that later."
"It's for the best. As long as we don't bump his head we can load him into a car right?" Kirishima asked concerned. Shinsou just nodded. He got into the car and rode back to the cabin. 
"I hate standing around!" Bakugo was frustrated and punched the fridge door. "That was a dirty trick Shinsou. I understand why you did it, so thank you." Shinsou tipped his glass as a 'you're welcome.'

Uraraka's left arm was in a sling. Due to the press releases that were had at the scene, everyone's engagement was announced. Bakugo was doing his damnedest to stay at the cabin. He was pacing like a wild animal waiting for that phone to ring. He wanted nothing more than for this to be one horrendous nightmare. One caused by his overactive imagination. There was nothing anyone could say that was going to make him feel better. They all felt like they failed. As heroes and friends. Seeing his friend's injuries he knew that they all fought as best they could. It wasn't their fault. Logically he knew that, but right now his emotions were high. He was afraid of what he would say to them. Kirishima had been on the phone for a few hours. 
"I clued Iida in. This way if the bastard is traveling through Iida's neck of the woods he can help. I know that Isabell has her feelings about cops, but we also know that Iida has some of her trust." Kirishima was slowly moving toward Bakugo who looked like an angry animal, Kirishima slowly put his hand on his friend's shoulder. Looking him in the eyes, he reassured Bakugo that everything was going to fine. Isabell was going to be found and that he would get a piece of that guy. 

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