Part 12

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Coming out of the room in full uniform, and new sense of who he was, he met up with his friends. They were all in full uniform. Even Uraraka was going to try and help with a messed up shoulder. With a collective nod, they all left and met up with Iida. He was leading the recon and rescue team. Best Jeanist found Bakugo within the crowd.
"How are you holding up?"
"I'm here."
"Remember your training. Don't unravel at the seems. Be her quilt of comfort when we find her."
Bakugo nodded at Jeanist's words. 

A snap was heard followed by a painful scream from Isabell. Her arm was now broken and a her shoulder dislocated. She was coughing from the pain. This was followed by him punching her in the gut. Her coughs could be heard by everyone. There was no escaping watching her be beaten. He had hacked every channel. Her face had some swelling a bruising, her lip was split and she had various burns and stab wounds. Bakugo's phone buzzed with a different set of coordinates. He approached Iida and explained that he reached out for help. He had received a different set of coordinates and wanted to take a team to check them out. 
"If the copies of the reports that Kirishima sent over are correct, he knows generally how police and heroes operate. He could very well be sending us on a different path. Doing this would prolong her torture, which is what he wants." Under Bakugo's watchful gaze, Iida adjusted his plans. Looking at him after dismissing the teams he placed a hand on Bakugo's shoulder.
"I completely understand everything you're feeling. What stain did to my brother," Iida took a breath, "Don't fall down that tunnel. I know that's easier than done, believe me I do. She's proving she's strong. Don't let him win."
Bakugo nodded. He knew that Iida understood better than anyone how he was feeling. Isabell was doing what she could to not show fear or pain to her captor. It was more for Bakugo than him. She wanted to weep but she knew the more she cried out, the more she broke, the more Bakugo was going to loose himself to his anger. Which would prove her captor right and she wasn't going to let him win. 
"Victory or Valhalla!" she responded. This was rewarded with a smack to her broken arm. The area was beginning to swell. 
"Death before dishonor!" This response was rewarded with a hit to the ribs. She felt a pop in a couple of spots. Bakugo was watching on his phone. His anger was palpable. No one was going to tell him how they would react to what he's watching because they didn't know. Best Jeanist deciding to try and bring Bakugo out of focusing on his anger spoke.
"You've got a strong woman by your side."
"She shouldn't have to be. I think she's trying to be stronger than she is for me. We just got engaged."
"We will get to her in time." Jeanist said comfortingly. "You will have to let us handle him when we get there."
"Don't shout. She'll need you more than you know when we get her out. You can't help her if you're the one in cuffs because you proved him right." Jeanist said knowingly. "Do your best to not let your emotions clou-" Jeanist stopped mid sentence seeing a new group of people out the window. "Strange."
When they exited the vehicle Bakugo went up to them. Seeing Poison Ivy, Baine, Mr. Fries, and Scarecrow gave him a small sense of comfort. While he understood that the Justice League may have been better to work with on paper, he knew that sometimes villains are best suited for the situation. 
"Let us handle him. You get her." Scarecrow said. Bakugo nodded. 
"Who are you all?" Jeanist asked cautiously.
"They're friends of hers. They're members of the Legion of Doom. Heroes have rules, they don't"
"Villains. She has friends that are villains?" Jeanist sounded confused
"She's helped us all in some way. Without judgement. We didn't get her involved anything that wasn't above board. She's a medical professional." Mr. Fries stated almost a touch offended. Looking over at Scarecrow he asked, "How's the plan going?"
"The fear toxin is in the vents now. It should be down to where she's at soon. Hopefully we'll get there before she inhales too much. Here's gas masks. Put them on and don't inhale anything without them on. This is my most potent toxin yet." Bakugo nodded and put his mask on. He grabbed an extra for Isabell. He, Bain, Mr. Fries, and Scarecrow all went in. Best Jeanist and Poison Ivy stayed up to run point.
"He seems focused." Ivy noticed. 
"He is." Jeanist's response was short.
"I get it, you don't want to work with us, but right now, this isn't about us. It's about her and this partnership is necessary."
"I agree."
"I have medicine for her."
"Can you reset her arm?"
"No. But Mr. Fries can. He's an actual medical doctor. Well, he was. My doctorate is in botonny. With a specialization in venomous and poisonous plants."
"How did you all become villains?" Jeanist wondered out loud 
"Tragic backstories are going to have to wait." Ivy said firmly watching her phone screen. Isabell let out another small yelp of pain.  

Isabell caught a whiff of something familiar. She couldn't place it at first. It was smelt like a garden center at a hardware store. The light went off in her head. Scarecrow you sneaky fuck. She thought to herself. She let a smile grace her lips and a partial laugh. Her captor kept finding new ways to cause pain.
"BEG! BEG YOU BITCH!" He was getting frustrated. Isabell was proving how stubborn she could really be. He wasn't getting what he wanted from her. 
"Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Call Gieco for your quote today." Isabell laughed. That was a mistake because he snapped her ankle.

Bakugo and Legion wondered the labyrinth of hallways. He was getting beyond frustrated. He wanted Isabell in his arms and her captor's head on a pike. Just when his frustration was about to get the better of him, Isabell let out a scream. They ran into the direction they heard it from.
"I wish she hadn't done that. The toxin will hit her lungs quicker." Mr. Fries said.
"She knows we're here." Scarecrow reassured.
"How?" Baine and Bakugo said together.
"I put a smell in the toxin. It's a smell that brings her a happy memory."
"How does she know we'll get to her though?"
"Think about it Mr. Fries, even with her quirk dampened or disabled, she's still able to sense us. Zatana taught her well." Baine stated.

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