What happens now? <3

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It has been days since I have heard from or spoke to Jordan. After my panic attack last week he hasn't been anywhere near me. I think I put him off me, I mean I'm just the new girl and already I've had problems with people at this school. It's never really been easy for me but this is the hardest it's been in a while, Jordan helped me the other day and I'm grateful for that but I shouldn't pile my problems on him when I have no idea what's he's going through.

I had to take my mind of Jordan so I decided to go for a walk, it was already dark but I mean I didn't mind walking in the dark was calming and it cleared my head. No one was around normally so nothing to distract me. I do this often as my mind is always focused on something and after I'm normally completely calm for a few hours. But this time was different, my head turned every few seconds due to the weird feeling someone was following me. I'm not someone to follow my instincts so I carried on walking shrugging it off like it was nothing. That was until a tall figure was stood right behind me breathing down my neck.

I turned around and had no idea who this guy was, I had never seen him before however he looked older, not much older but definitely older. He had dark-ish hair, dark eyes and a straight face while staring deep into my eyes almost like he was searching for something in my eyes, for answers maybe. He took a step forward and I took a step back " you scared?" His voice was deep and very intimidating, yes I was scared. I wouldn't get any words out I was completely tongue tied. I was about to say something back before I hear a voice from behind the tall dude stool in front of me. " leave her alone"

I look across and see Jordan staring at the guy in front of me. The guy smirked and walked past brushing my shoulder while doing so. Jordan was about to walk off I knew I had to say something to him. "Jordan" he stopped and looked at me I couldn't help myself at this point, I ran up to him and he didn't move, not an inch. I put my arms around his shoulders and placed my lips onto his. To my surprise he kissed me back wrapping his arms around my waist tight. The sparks went though me like electricity and I felt like I could stay there forever, i felt comfortable with him. The rude boy wasn't as bad as he seems. Maybe he is a nice guy on the inside he just doesn't show it.

" so what happens now?" I asked wanting to know what he was thinking, I felt his breath on my face one more time before he removed his hands from my waist and walked away not looking back, he never looks back. I was stood there in the dark alone questioning everything I've just done. I guess he was just a rude boy after all.

A/N: what's gonna happen now? I'm having fun writing this hope ur enjoying reading it, might write another chapter tonight. Gonna start writing another book as well soon I think 🖤

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