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The day had come, it was time for me to find out my babies gender and excited was an understatement to what I was feeling right now. I was overjoyed with my life.

For once I don't feel anything missing, I had Jordan, my grandmother, amazing friends and now a beautiful baby to complete me.

Ever since Jordan came back to me we haven't spent a day apart as he didn't want me to go through pregnancy alone. However, men can't really help with the constant kicking of the child but it was cute seeing him try.

Whenever Jordan saw mini us kick my stomach he would gently hit my belly and say ' oi, hitting mommy is wrong'. This made me giggle every time but of course the baby never stopped kicking.

My grandmother helped with the cravings and gave me all the things I need as she had given birth once before, she tired to reassure me that I would be fine but I constantly had this fear buried in the back of my mind which I tried to keep locked away, I wasn't sure why I was so worried about giving birth because once I had done, I would have a beautiful child to look after. But everyone gets nervous about these things so I didn't think much of it.

I dropped every negative thought in my body when I saw Jordan walk up to me in his blue suit looking me up and down in my pink dress, I was never one for dresses but I could barley fit in any clothes due to the baby growing so fast, I already knew they were gonna be extremely tall.

" you look amazing" Jordan stated, making my cheeks the same colour as my dress which he found adorable.

" you don't look to bad yourself Wilson" he giggled

" come on it's time"

I had never been so exited and nervous at the same time for anything.

Me and Jordan stood in the middle of the garden filled with pink and blue cakes, balloons and decorations everywhere. Everyone with their cameras pointing straight towards us, waiting for the huge balloon saying ' girl or boy' on it to pop.

" you guys ready?" Said Corey, me and Corey weren't the best of friends but he came to support his brother which I found very cute of him.

" ready" we both said in unison, making us laugh.

" okay, 3...2...1"

Oooo, girl or boy? What do you guys think? —>

Next chapter and maybe a few more will be up today bc I have nothing better to do with my life :)

The Rude Boy || Jordan Wilson Where stories live. Discover now