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It had been days since I had spoken or even seen Jordan, normally I would see him walking with Chloe around by my block but recently it's like he's just disappeared, no traces at all.

The weirdest thing is I couldn't get my mind off him, everything I thought about anything else my mind would run straight back to Jordan. I hated the feeling I had when I was away from him and I never really understood what it was. Every time I got the feeling I shook it off and convinced myself it was all because I was tired or hungry.

More days go by and still no Jordan. Today was the day I go back to school too so I was paying he would be there. Who knows.

I got ready for school and walked out my house and got the slightest glimpse of someone who stood by my back door, it was Jordan. And of course his bestest friend/ girlfriend ever, Chloe. As soon as he saw me he tried to come up to me I'm guessing to talk, but Chloe wouldn't allow it. She pulled his arm back and whispered something into his ear. I couldn't read or process what she was saying but I wasn't expecting it to be something good at all.

I walked away from them both and rolled my eyes as I did so. I got to school and first I had art, as I didn't remember anything miss Keane had to tell me where my seat was originally, next to him. Of course it was, as I thought my day couldn't get any worse I was sat next to him for the next hour or so.

As I took my seat he gave me a sympathetic look, he seemed to feel sorry for me. For what? Ditching me, ignoring me, acting like I no longer exist? But at this point I was just waiting for him to say something to me, anything. And with that he did.

" I'm sorry jasmine, can we talk after school please" he said in a crackled voice, he sounded as if he had been crying.

This made me feel bad so I just nodded my head at him and got up to go to my next class. A few hours pass and it was time to meet Jordan. I saw him for once without his partner in crime which I was kinda happy for, I hadn't got any alone time with him for ages and it was really needed.

" thank you for coming jas" I smiled at him as we began to walk to his car. And as soon as we did, my head began to ache so much. Kinda like loads of tiny needles were piercing my brain. This made my legs go out so fast and I fell to the floor, Jordan rushing over to help me.

I saw things, things that weren't there. I saw, me and Jordan mainly. That's when I realised my memories were flooding back through and I couldn't stop it.

The Rude Boy || Jordan Wilson Where stories live. Discover now