4 months pregnant

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It had been months, yes MONTHS since I last saw Jordan when he walked out on me, I locked myself in my house ever since and went to appointments on my own.

I was now 4 months pregnant and for once I was excited to meet my baby, I didn't know the gender yet because I wanted to wait to see if jordan would come back for me to find out, even if it takes the full nine months I won't know until I'm ready.

The baby bump is mildly showing as everyone shows differently so if I went out into the street it would only just be noticeable but still enough for people to judge which is why I didn't. I was also planning on getting my own apartment to look after the baby by myself.

I was broke out of thought when I heard a knock on my door which was so strange as no one has came to see me in months. I peered though the peep hole to see him looking a mess.

I debated on letting him in but I needed him to support me, it's all I wanted so I slowly opened the door to meet face to face with the rude boy.

" jasmine" he said, his eyes then looked down to my bump and I knew his heart dropped but I wasn't sure if it was in a good or bad way.

He slowly came closer to me and placed his hand on my stomach feeling his child kick.

He jumped at the sudden movement but didn't move his hand, in fact he had a huge smile on his face which so so contagious that it formed on mine and mort likely the baby that was in my womb too.

" is it a girl or a boy?" He asked

" I don't know, I was going to wait to see if you wanted to find out with me" I said/ asked.

" I'd love to, can I come in?"

" please do"

We sat on the sofa and talked for a while about random things. We laughed a lot and I forgot about all the problems I was facing in that moment until he brought it up.

" how are you going to afford to look after the baby" he asked, concern filling his voice.

" I can get a job, my grandmother has offered to help too"

" and I will"

" you want to be part of its life?"

" more than anything"

After those 3 words I leaned in a kissed him so passionately. It's all I've wanted to hear for the past 4 months.

The father of my child, love of my life and the rude boy that had bumped into me on the first day of school had come back for me, I couldn't be happier.

Awhhh he came back

What's the gender going to be...?

Ily all <3

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