Strange illness?

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It had been a while since mine and Jordan's date. Me and Jordan couldn't be happier in all honesty it was going so well. However I wasn't doing too well, i couldn't put my finger on exactly what was wrong but I'm sure it was nothing, right?

I got ready for school like every other day and then all of a sudden I was throwing up last nights dinner into the toilet, I know what an amazing morning for me. I decided I still wanted to go school, I wanted to see Jordan. My grandmother didn't hear me and she didn't need to know so I just decided to continue getting ready and leave my house without having breakfast. I'm pretty sure that would just come straight back up as well.

I met Jordan half way and he gave me the most adorable smile, every time I see him I melt instantly. how can someone be so beautiful?

" you don't look too good, are you okay?" Great, now he knew I wasn't feeling right. I didn't want him to worry so I lied my ass off

" oh I'm fine honestly, just a little tired" I hate lying to him, but I had no choice.

I think he believed it as he just continued walking without asking anymore questions. I was glad, I was a terrible liar most of the time.

As soon as we got to school I had to leave Jordan. Being away from him for even a minute was unbearable imagine having to stay away from him basically all day? Yeah it sucked.

My head started spinning half way through the day so I was forced to the nurse by miss Keane, so instead of arguing I went. But I wish I didn't. Because what I'm about to find out is going to ruin my life, cause so much stress and pain. Can you guess what's to come for me now...?

Oh god guys, I think we all know where this is going.

Sorry this is such a terrible chapter, I promise I'm working on it as best I can but school has been stressful so bare with pls :)

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