Chapter 2 - Welcome to Despair

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"Okay, time to get down to business. This is no time to stand around making friends like a bunch of dull-eyed baboons." Byakuya said, breaking the few seconds of tension. 

"Yeah that's true. I think someone said about a bigger problem? " Makoto said.

"Makoto, Y/N,  you said a bunch of stuff happened and then you both were "just asleep", right?" Sayaka asked us.

"Yeah, that's right. Celeste said we suddenly all went unconscious and then were all asked to meet in the main hall. Celeste and me personally believe this isn't coincidental. Isn't that right Celeste? " I asked her.

"Yes, I did say that. Well done for remembering, my dear." Celeste said, making me blush. 

"T-thanks. Anyway, I'm guessing you all woke up in a classroom with iron plates and surveillance cameras, correct?" I asked, although I could already guess what the answer was.

"Yeah, that's right. That's why were all freakin' out!" Mondo shouted.

"Plus, my cellphone is gone." Junko said. "It's not just me, right?"

I searched around in the many pockets of my jacket, but I didn't find it. In fact, even my summoning codex was missing.

"Yeah, I can't seem to find my PDA as well." Chihiro piped up.

"Hey, you think someone kidnapped us and we're not actually at Hope's Peak?" Leon joked. Nobody laughed. Instead, there was an awkward silence that lasted for several moments. That is, until a high-pitch whine threatened to burst everyone's eardrums.

"Ahem! Ahem! Testing, testing! Mike check, one two! This is a test of the school broadcast system! Am I on? Can anyone hear me?" A voice, which sounded almost playful, so completely unconcerned. It was like hearing someone laugh at the scene of an accident.

"That sounded like a harpy. And trust me, they are very annoying. Always flying around, screaming their heads off. I am surprised that no-one has sewn their mouths shut at this point." Belial thought. But that voice had filled me with dread. Deep and unnerving dread.

"Ahh, to all incoming students! I would like to begin the entrance ceremony at...right now! Please make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience. That's all. I'll be waiting!"  The voice said, then suddenly cut off. You could hear a pin drop. Then Junko took the words right out of my mouth, and presumably the others.

"What. The. Hell was that just now?" Then, Byakuya simply started to walk towards the doors. All eyes turned on him, before he turned around and calmly said:

"Well then, if you'll excuse me..." He then opened the doors and started heading towards the gym. Junko tried to ask where he thought he was going, before he simply slammed the doors behind him.

Seeing that, the others started to head out. But then I saw Makoto just standing there, sweat trickling down his forehead. I went over to him and put an arm around him. 

"Hey Makoto, are you ok? You're just staring into space." I asked him. He quickly brought his head out of the clouds and looked up at me.

"I just have an uneasy feeling. I can't really get it out of my mind. I mean this has gotta be a joke, right?" He said, with a somewhat desperate look in his eyes. It was...kinda cute to be honest.

"I'm sure it is Naegi. Now come on, we don't wanna stand around here like lemons while that voice is waiting for us, right?" Makoto nodded, and walked with me out of the doors and towards the gymnasium. 

We entered and saw the others stood in front of a podium, with the Hope's Peak Academy logo draped on it. It all looked very formal, but this was an entrance ceremony after all. Then, that annoying voice reared it's ugly head again. 

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