Chapter 16 - The Fourth Trial

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Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... Then I'll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate! Okay, well! I'll leave the rest up to you!

Byakuya: Well, without a doubt, the killer of the seventeenth student is Kyoko Kirigiri!

Y/N: Can you prove it?

Byakuya: Allow me to explain... Just after nighttime last night, myself and Hagakure went to the garden. So I can confirm that at that point, there was no dead body there. So, the murder must have taken place after we left the garden.  However...Hiro, Toko, Hina, Mukuro, Celeste, Y/N, Chihiro and I were in the gym the entire time.

Kyoko: The gym?

Y/N: That's right. The eight of us were there trying to dismantle Monokuma. The whole time we were very careful not to go anywhere alone. We even went to the bathroom in pairs. All of which is to say the eight of us all have iron-clad alibis. The only ones without alibis...

Kyoko: Are me and Makoto. That's why you're able to narrow down the list of suspects.

Y/N: Exactly so.

Makoto: Um, I have something I'd like to say regarding the whole alibi thing.

Celeste: Are you thinking of raising an objection?

Makoto: Well, before that, I just want to try and get a better idea of what time the murder took place. Doing that might reveal some kind of clue.

Hiro: Me and Byakuya can both confirm that the body wasn't in the garden at... Well, it was after nighttime for sure. I'd say it must have been around 10 o'clock. So the murder musta happened after 10pm.

Hina: Then I guess we can say the timeframe for the murder was between then and when we found the body?

Chihiro: But what time did we find the body?

Y/N: The one who saw the body first was Toko, right? When she went to go get the mattock.

Makoto: The body must have been discovered at 9am, since that's when Toko went to get the mattock.

Toko: H-He's right, it had to be around th-then.

Hiro: So we can be totally sure the murder happened sometime between 10 at night and 9 in the morning.

Makoto: For me, I was already asleep before nighttime hit. So I don't have an alibi after 10 o'clock... But I'm sure I met up with everyone else before 9 this morning.

Hina: We ran into each other in the dining hall, right? That was around 7:30! I remember checking right before I went in, so I'm totally sure about it.

Mukuro: Which means from 10 p.m. to 7:30 a.m., you don't have an alibi.

Byakuya: We've established a timeframe for the murder. It took place somewhere between 10 o'clock at night...and 9 o'clock in the morning.

Makoto: No, that's wrong!


Makoto: Actually, the murder couldn't have happened anywhere near 10 o'clock. It had to have taken place way later!

Chihiro: What makes you say that?

Makoto: Because of the sprinklers in the garden. The sprinklers are set to go off right at 7:30 every morning, right? So if the body had been in the garden before 7:30 then it should have been completely soaked!

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