Chapter 10 - The Creator and the Compass

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*Ding dong, bing bong*

Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!

Y/N woke up with a sigh. He honestly wished that announcement had an off switch. It was really starting to get on his nerves. It was another day in Hope's Peak. Another day...of DESPAIR. He met up with Mukuro, Celeste and Chihiro and wandered into the dining hall where they found Yasuhiro, just...standing there, scratching the underside of his nose with his finger, somewhat oblivious to the fact that people had entered the dining hall. Celeste cleared her throat loudly, snapping Hiro back to reality.

Chihiro: Yasuhiro, why are you just...stood there?

Celeste: More importantly, where are the others? Do you know where they have gone to?

Hiro: They went on ahead...

Y/N: Went on...where? That's what we've been trying to ask you.

Hiro: We can talk about it later. Now let's go and take a bath.

The four of them followed the clairvoyant to the bathhouse. Apparently they were...going to take a bath? But then, they all heard a bloodcurdling cry.

???: Kyaaaaahh!

Y/N: That sounded like....

Mukuro: Hifumi! We have to go check on him!

With that, we rushed to the bathhouse so see everyone gathered around Alter Ego, Hifumi grovelling at Kyoko's feet. Something must have gone on.

Y/N: So...what's going on?

With that, Hifumi rushed over to Y/N and the others much faster than everyone expected from someone so...rotund.

Hifumi: Mr L/N! Save me! I've never asked you for anything, but I'm asking now!

Chihiro: W-What happened?

Hifumi: Sh-She's trying to kill me...!

With that, Hifumi pointed a shaky finger at Kyoko, who was stood emotionless next to the laptop.

Mukuro: Huh? Kyoko's trying to kill you? Why?

Kyoko: I never said I was going to kill him. I simply asked him a question. I'd like to know why he made the same mistake twice.

Makoto: The same mistake? What did he do?

Kyoko: He snuck into the dressing room in the middle of the night and accessed Alter Ego without permission. And when I caught him last night he was hugging the laptop and breathing strangely.

Y/N: You...did...WHAT?!

Y/N lifted him up by the straps of his bedpack and made him look into his eyes, Y/N's purple eye burned with a passionate flame.

Y/N: What did I warn you about the other day?

Hifumi: Ermmm, I err-


Chihiro: Y/N! Calm down!

Y/N looked over to Chihiro, tears beginning to form in his eyes. He didn't want to make his boyfriend cry, so he let Hifumi down, before scratching Hifumi's face with his claws.


Y/N: You do that shit again, and I will tear your head off, are we clear?

Hifumi: Y-Y-Y-Yes! I will never do it again! 

With that, he retreated to the corner of the bathhouse, his face smeared in his own blood and a massive scar running down his right cheek. Everyone was staring at Y/N, shocked about the sudden outburst, stunned into silence. Y/N enlarged his claws, an evil grin emerging on his face.

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