Chapter 13 - The Trial of Sakura Ogami

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Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... Then I'll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate! Now then...where to begin...?

Asahina: The killer is Togami, Fukawa or Hagakure! It was one of you!

Byakuya: And what reason do you have for saying so?

Asahina: Sakura wanted to meet with them in the game room! You were all at the scene!

Byakuya: Ha! While it's true Sakura summoned me to the game room, it wasn't foolish enough to go.

Toko: I-I didn't either...

Hiro: Yeah, I skipped out too!

Toko: Really? Then I must have seen your clone! Hagakure is guilty as hell!

Hiro: Erghhh! Y-You saw all that?

Mukuro: So what happened?

Toko: Okay, so Ogami wanted to talk to me alone. But I chickened out and hid in a locker instead. And then...


Sakura: I hoped it wouldn't have to come to this. 

Hiro: Errr...yeah...

Sakura: You distrust me...I cannot afford that. I'm going to end it today... I'm going to end...everything. 


Hiro: As soon as I heard that, I just knew... I knew she was gonna try and kill me! She was gonna kill me and make her escape! So of course I freaked out, and then I clocked her with a Monokuma Bottle from the shelf. I...I hit her from behind, before she had any idea what was happening!

Byakuya: Fukawa!

Toko: Y-Yes sir?

Byakuya: After Hagakure made good his retreat, what did you do then?

Fukawa: Ermmmmmm...

Belial: Spare us your stalling and tell us the truth!

Fukawa: AHHH STOP I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED! So when I was sure Hagakure wasn't coming back, I crept out of the locker, and then...I heard a s-sound behind me, like a-like a monster g-growling... And when I t-turned around...there was S-Sakura, covered in b-blood...and staring r-right at me! When I saw all that b-blood, I fainted...right there in f-front of the magazines. I don't remember what h-happened after that. If you want to know m-more, you'll have to try asking her...

With that Fukawa made herself...sneeze? She fainted to the floor for several moments, before...


Celeste: You weren't summoned for a casual chat. Did you kill Sakura Ogami? 

GJ: Well, to be honest, Miss Morose and me don't actually share our memories! So I can't really say what was going on. I was just minding my own business, catching up on my beauty sleep when someone starts shaking me awake. Maybe it's Prince Charming I thought, so I was ready for action! Instead all I saw was splatter everywhere! I was NOT prepared for that! And, well...I guess it took me by surprise! I got so startled, I wacked her with a bottle and GTFO'ed! Hey, she finally got hit on! KYAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Hiro: Aww man, what a relief. Well at least I'm glad I'm not Hagakure the giant killer!

Makoto: Hey, show some respect for the dead!

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