Chapter 17 - The Parley of Hope and Despair!

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I woke up with a start. Where was I? Was this just a dream? A dream...inside a hopeless nightmare?

Makoto: No...this isn't a dream.

I could tell, because the stench invading my nostrils was too powerful for a dream. I was in a vast, dark cavern, with the barest hint of light seeping in. Trash was piled high all across the area. This must be some kind of...underground garbage pit. A heck of a situation to find myself in. But that was just the beginning of my problems. Was I going to be stuck in there till I wasted away and died? 

Makoto: No, I can't let that happen! Not after what my good friend went through to save me!

I remembered all too well what had happened. Alter Ego saved me. And he used up the last little bit of strength to do it.

Makoto: So I can't give up now! For myself, and for my friend!

And with that, my pursuit of survival began. First up was to start looking for a way out of there. There was a desk, probably the one that fell down with me. There was also a rocket and a tank?! What the hell were they doing down here?! There was a large door at the other end of the pit. No matter how many times I pushed or pulled or kicked at it, it didn't budge. Getting out of here wasn't gonna be that easy. I decided to look around for some food. There was plenty of food here, but it was all rotten. Even the water had gone bad. 

Makoto: I feel like I'm blocked in on all sides. But that's still not enough reason to give up. Because I'm still alive! As long as I'm alive, I'll never give up! If you think I'm just gonna sit on my ass and wait to die, then you are sorely mistaken, you hear me?!

After making that proud declaration, the next thing I decided to do was...go to sleep. My sleep was deep and uninterrupted. That was my only way to preserve what little strength I had left, after not being able to eat or drink. I can't be sure, but I think at least a full day had to have passed. And all I did was sleep and sleep. It was like I was waiting for some kind of sign to come falling out of the sky. However, what fell from the sky wasn't a sign. Well, not exactly anyways.


Makoto: What the?!

The strange sound pierced my silent isolation, jarring me awake. As I watched, the pile of garbage jostled and formed an odd shape.

Makoto: Did a giant piece of trash just fall down here?

I carefully stretched my hand out toward whatever it was that had tumbled down here with me.

???: Giant piece of trash? That's a bit rude. 

???2: You'd think he'd give us a hand...

Before they even emerged from the pile of garbage, I knew who it was.

Kyoko: This place smells awful.

Belial: You think this is awful?! I've smelt worse.

Makoto: Kiri? Y/N?! 

Y/N: You looking better than I expected.

Makoto: Wh-What are you guys doing here?

Kyoko: Isn't it obvious? We're here to help you. 

Y/N: Call it... a rescue mission.

Makoto: I'm glad to hear that. Umm, Kyoko you' a bit of garbage in your hair.

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