Man's Man

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Disclaimer: I do not own the background photo on the story cover, I just did some modifications on it. All rights go to the original owner/creator.


Hi people!

So apparently this is originally a Jedward fanfiction I wrote on twitter under another name, and I have decided to upload them all onto my one and only wattpad account which is kind of anonymous, because I want to share my stories with more people - they are not exactly fanfictions in a sense, as the only strings that attach to the fandom are only the appearances of the characters, resembling John and Edward Grimes.

If you come here through twitter though, you probably know who I am ;) But for now I don't really feel like revealing my identity, as I have posted a story (in Chinese, just in case you're wondering, it's probably my one and only story in a language that's not English) based on my very own personal story, and it'd be weird if, just if, the person involved in the story found out...

You can call me C (well well it's kind of stupid as the person will probably know just having this single letter provided but it makes me less nervous, so), or Nightfalls if you like, nice to meet you :)

I hope you guys will like my stories!

Oh and by the way, in my fanfics (Yn) means "your name", so you can put yourself or whatever girl you prefer as the character!



I haven't gone through this story for ages, so I don't really remember the characters anymore. If you have any suggestions for the cast, please feel free to tell me! Thank you!


Sorry about the long texts before the beginning of the story, but I have to give credits to Jedward's song All I Want is You, which inspired this very story! I have included the link to this part :)


That jerk. I hated him. He always thought he was the best in everything - he thought he looked the best, could get the most girls, was the coolest, and on top of everything.
As he thought he was superior to everyone, and as much as I did not want to admit it, he was actually the most popular guy in our school; no girl was good enough to him even though he could get every single girl that he wanted here. Except me - but that was if he was even interested in me.
And his name was John Grimes.
I knew he disliked me too. I sulked in my seat further when I thought about that - and I could feel anger bubbling inside me when I heard him laugh with his cool mates in the other corner of the classroom.
And I was initially going to sit in that corner. I was not a popular girl in school, and I did not really have any friends. Some people were good to me and chatted with me from time to time when we were paired up to work on something, but other than that I did not really have anyone to rely on and hang out with.
As no one was going to sit with me anyway, I decided that I might as well sit in that corner of the classroom alone which John and his friends had occupied now. I was now sitting in the other corner thanks to that jerk.
I got into the classroom earlier than him, and I was going to sit down there - when John quickly came up behind me and pushed me out of the way to sit down in the seat that I was planning to take. And when he was securely seated in that chair, he looked up at me and smiled at me smugly.
"Excuse me?" I said.
"Sorry," he would not wipe off that annoying smirk of his, "This seat is occupied."
I did not want to cause a scene in front of everyone, especially when it involved John - everyone would be on his side then; who would not? Everyone loved him even though he was a jerk.
But not me, of course.
So I stormed into the other corner and found a vacant seat. I darted a glance at John and his friends and I could feel fury coming up again, so I quickly looked away.
I hated to admit this, but he was really good-looking. Silky blond hair sweeping across his forehead, hanging right above his green eyes, which were set above his high cheekbones, followed by angular jaws underneath. And he had a pair of plump lips that girls would die to kiss.
I was not one of them though, that was for sure.
Everyone knew John liked to tease me, just like every other popular person, because I belonged to the "loser" group of pupils, according to most people at school. I did not like to follow the stupid trends in school. I did not hang around in skimpy clothes and did not try to hook on random boys and act like a slut. Most "losers" were bullied constantly because they were either weird, nerdy or criticized because of their appearance. But I was not being avoided because of those reasons. I just stood out from the crowd because I did not act stupid; that was all.
And luckily, I was just avoided, but not bullied.

"Aye, aye, you don't mind, do you?" I was queuing up in the cafeteria for lunch, and John and his mates were pushing through the queue.
Everyone smiled at them and gestured to them that they did not mind them jumping queue.
Of course they did not. They adored John.
But when John got to me, I stepped to the side a little to block their way.
"Oh," John stopped right behind me, "Let's see who's here? Ah, it's (Yn)... No wonder..." he said sarcastically.
I coughed loudly. They were really getting on my nerves.
"Would you mind following the queue and step aside?" John said, and everyone was looking now. He gestured to how the queue had made way for him and his friends to pass.
"Why do I have to step aside," I spat coldly, not even turning back to look at him.
"Because I need to pass," John said, "I'm feeling sick; I can't get too hungry, I need food now."
"I'm sorry; me too," I replied, "If you have that many friends, maybe you should ask the ones in the front to buy food for you."
"Seriously," John could see I would not budge a bit so he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Get out of my way or you're going to regret it."
"Like I care," I said.
"You're so going to regret this," he said angrily in my ear and leaned back to queue up behind me with his friends. He could not get pass me.
At last I got my food and went to find an empty seat in the cafeteria. I sighed; I did not really like sitting alone, but what choice had I got left? None.
I spotted an unoccupied table in the middle of the cafeteria - there were still many empty seats scattered across the room, but I did not feel like joining other people - and I headed towards it. But just as I was about to sit down, someone bumped into me, making me fall over with my tray full of food.
"Whoops," I heard the familiar but annoying voice rang behind me, "Sorry!"
My tray of food was all over the floor, and my front was also ruined. I looked up, and to no one's surprise, John and his friends were sitting at the table that I was meant to sit down at. His friends were holding in their laughter and John was smirking at me. I could hear people around passing murmurs and some people were laughing at me.
"Are you okay?" John said in a fake voice, and leaned forward in his seat like he was trying to help me up. But in the process he knocked over his plate of spaghetti - purposely, of course - and it fell right onto my head.
"Oh my God," John pretended to be surprised, "I know you might not like your hair, but do you think using spaghetti as a wig can really help?"
And that was when everyone in the room burst out in laughter. I was shaking with anger and humiliation, and I could feel hot tears forming in my eyes. I quickly got up and gave John a death stare, shaking everything off of me and bolted to the exit before any tear could escape.
I ran to the toilet to fix myself up and wash my face as I was crying. Once I was done, I held back my anger as much as I could manage - I felt like I could go back to the cafeteria and murder that jerk - and went to the office. I told the lady there I was not feeling well and that I had to go home. I did not think I could go on with the rest of the school day.
And so I walked back home, and on the way I was trying hard to focus on something else. Anything but that stupid, arrogant, sick jerk.
No one was home as I got there, so I went up to my room and took a shower to clean up myself. When I was drying my hair with a towel, I heard Mum returning.
I walked down the stairs, "Mum," I called as she entered the living room.
"(Yn)?" she seemed surprised to see me, "Why are you home early?"
"I was not feeling well," I told her, "But now I'm better after the shower. I'll go nap for a while though."
"How are you feeling? Have you taken medicine?" Mum asked, concerned.
"I'm just having a headache; and I have already," I lied.
"Okay," she seemed to have believed me, "Go take a rest, then."
So I went back upstairs and got into bed after drying my hair completely. A nap might help making my fury go away.
So my parents knew I was lonely at school, but they did not know that I got teased a lot - it did not really hurt, so why should I bother them with such minor problems? I was not hurt physically or anything; I could handle it.
And after rolling back and forth in the bed for about half an hour, I succeeded in forgetting about the jerk who was probably still laughing at school and fell into a sleep.

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