To Be With Me

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Before me was a small windowless room, lit up by fire torches. There were four fire torches in the middle of the room, encircling a chair in the middle, making the scene like a place where a weird, old ritual would take place.
But what made me realize this was not a safe place was the thick rope placed on the chair. It instantly made the place looked like it came from a kidnapping movie.
I could feel myself heating up, mirroring the fire in the room, and quick, shallow breaths came in and out of my now open mouth. I felt the urge to run away.
I turned around, wanting to push the girls far away from the house with me. This was not a place for us to stay for long.
But much to my surprise and shock, the four girls were not startled by the frightening scenario in front of us. They all now wore a dark, evil expression, and they were closing in on me, blocking my only escape route – the door.
Now everything had fallen into place – they were not in danger. They WERE the danger.
“Now, now,” Jennifer hissed, “Finally, it’s happening…”
They stepped forward and forced me into the house, towards the chair with the rope and surrounded by fire torches.
My legs hit the edge of the chair and I was forced to sit down on the chair with the rope underneath me – I had nowhere to escape – they had locked the door from the inside behind them now. I was now trapped in a hopeless, confined hell.
I kept looking and shifting my glances for opportunities to escape – once I got out of this house, I had hope of escaping. The forest was so big that I could hide behind a tree and phone for help.
The girls were now surrounding me next to one torch each – and I aimed for Lucy, who was the smallest in size among the group, and she was one of the two girls who were the closest to the exit.
I plunged myself at her, knocking her out of the way and bolted for the door. But there were too many girls; even before I could reach the door, they had pulled me back.
I was dragged back to the chair by Erica and Carmen, and Lucy was looking at me angrily. Jennifer was now standing next to the chair with the rope in hand, grinning at me, her eyes full of hatred.
Fear danced around in my eyes, mirroring the fire.
Erica and Carmen forced me down onto the chair and struggling was bringing me nowhere – with Lucy’s help, Jennifer tied me securely to the chair.
“Hmm,” Jennifer and the girls stepped back after they had done their work, and Jennifer was thinking, “What should we do with her now?”
“Beat her,” Erica hissed, “I’ve been wanting to do that for ages, especially after John’s change of attitude towards her.”
“Shouldn’t we play some games first?” Lucy squeaked with excitement, “It’d be too straightforward to beat her up now.”
“You all are sick,” I spat; despite my helpless state and my fear, I was mad, “I have nothing to do with that jerk’s behavior! I didn’t ask for that – so now can you release me already?”
“Who cares?” Jennifer half-yelled, with jealousy burning in her eyes, which reminded me of the fire torches next to us, “He’s good to you now, and he seems well interested in you, and that’s what matters! AND YOU CALLED HIM A JERK!”
“Then beat him, not me,” I said, frustrated, “I’m not responsible for this. And he’s a jerk to me!”
“You’re involved,” Jennifer replied, still mad about me calling their god a jerk, “And we care no other things.”
They advanced on me, closing in further, with expressions that would certainly haunt me for in my dreams, especially with their faces lit up by the weird light radiating off the fire torches. I flinched, and struggled in my seat.
“Don’t you dare touching me!” I shouted, attempting to move away from them.
“Stay still!” Jennifer snarled, and slapped me hard across the face. She hit so hard that I was sent falling sideways with the chair, even though the chair actually felt sturdy. I screamed, and the next thing I knew, was that a torch was knocked off and it rolled to the corner of the room, towards a pile of rotten cardboard boxes.
Then flame lit up the pile of cardboard out of the blue. It engulfed the corner of the room, and the flame was rising higher and higher.
The girls screamed, knowing that a fire was breaking out and there was no way to stop it – all we could do was run as far away from this house as possible.
They completely ignored me and dived for the exit. They all filed out of the house and the door swung back, slamming to a close.
I was left behind alone, trapped in a house that was about to be burnt into ashes.
“HELP!” I screamed, panic filling every single blood stream in my body. I was tired up, attached to a chair, and I was lying on the floor – I was left to die.
I realized this fact and I began to cry. This was it. I would die here. I did not even know what was going on. All I knew was that I would die. Here. Alone and painfully.
The fire was spreading, and now half of the two walls adjoining at the corner where the fire started were invaded by sizzling hot flame. I could feel myself sweating from the heat as well as fear and hopelessness.
I kept crying, and I guessed it had sped up my consumption of energy. I was starting to feel dizzy and I kept coughing; I felt like I could not breathe. I felt like passing out.
BAM! Suddenly, a loud bang was heard coming from in front of me and I could see white light – not just the orange light emitting from the fire, but white sunlight. Through my blurry vision, I could see a figure standing in the doorway.
“(Yn)!” the figure called out, their tone full of panic and worry, and also shock.
It came to my side and knelt down beside me, setting the chair upright again. And once I was in sitting position again, I could see who it was – it was John Grimes.
He attempted to heave me up together with the chair but the chair was very heavy and study, so he gave up on that idea.
He coughed a few times, and he knelt down in front of me to untie me from the chair. Dizziness was once again invading my head.
“Ugh, I can’t tear this off! It’s too tight!” John hissed, pulling at the rope at me feet, and I coughed.
“Don’t worry (Yn); I’ll get you out of here!” his voice sounded so promising, so urgent.
I could see John was using all his strength to tear the rope off and his face was red like a tomato – or was it because of the fire?
Finally he succeeded in freeing my legs and he moved onto my hands behind the chair. When he was done with getting rid of the ropes, he picked me up bridal style and ran out of the house.
I was feeling really hot and dizzy then, and my mind seemed to be very foggy. I kept mumbling random words and John kept soothing me, telling me I was safe now, and I would be okay.
“Don’t sleep (Yn)!” I was very tired, and John had now stopped running away from the house. He set me down against a tree and he sat down next to me. I could see fire erupting from the house from our position.
John took out his phone and called the police while I drifted in and out. I was tired and I wanted to sleep, but at the same time I kept waking up. John had finished calling the police, and I coughed a few times. I was good to breathe fresh air again.
“(Yn), help will be here soon!” John said urgently, “Don’t sleep!”
“I’m tired,” I mumbled, and close my eyes.
“Don’t!” he pulled me into his arms and, after that uncomfortable experience in the house, I actually felt safe and warm in his embrace.
“Please,” John whispered, worry and sadness coloring his tone, “I’m sorry (Yn)… Just don’t sleep!”
“Ahh,” I sighed, burying my head further into John’s chest and I could hear his frantic heartbeat. I was confused, shocked, yet content…. What was happening…. Oh God I was exhausted… Maybe I should sleep… A sleep would help with clearing my head…

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