You Make Me Realize

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Oh God. What even was happening? I felt like I had been running a marathon; energy had drained from my limbs, and I could barely open my eyes – and the bright white light was not helping.
After the battle with the brightness above me, I blinked a few times before I got my normal sight back.
Transferring energy up to my neck, I turned my head around to observe my surroundings.
It seemed like I was in a room that I could not recognized. I was put on a bed, with white sheet and white duvet, mirroring my surroundings. Most of the things here were white, and I was connected to a few wires. Well, was this not a hospital? What was going on?
Finally something blond caught my eyes. I zeroed my eyes on the object that seemed out of place in this room.
John Grimes?
Confusion clouded my head, but just like the sudden confusion, realization invaded my mind quickly the next moment.
I was here because some lame, stupid sluts left me tangled on a chair in a burning house in the middle of the forest. And as odd as it sounded, John Grimes was my savior. And I remembered how worried he was… I wondered why. Did he not hate me?
And why was he even there? Did he stalk me? And now, why was he sleeping on a chair, next to my bed?
My train of thoughts was cut off by the entrance of the nurse. She halted at the doorway when she saw that I was awake, and then a kind smile broke out on her face. She was in her mid-thirties, and I liked her instantly the moment I saw her. She seemed really nice.
“Hello, (Yn),” she came forward to stand next to my bed, “Glad to see you come around!”
“Hi,” I murmured shyly, and a questioned popped into my head, “How long have I been out cold?”
“Exactly a day,” she replied, checking the machines and everything, “How are you feeling?”
“Tired,” I answered honestly.
“Well, you’ll recover pretty soon though,” she an assuring smiled at me, “Especially with your boyfriend at your side all the time.” She gestured to John sleeping next to me. He stirred, but did not wake up.
“My boyfriend?” I said, shocked, “No way is he my boyfriend!”
“Oops,” the nurse giggled apologetically, “Then he must be a very good friend. He’s the one to accompany you here and he has never left your side since then. He’s been sleeping like that last night.”
“What?” I blinked, unable to digest the fact. Why on earth would John Grimes do that? He did not even like me. He hated me, did he not?
“A nice lad, isn’t he?” the nurse grinned and cocked her head to one side, “And not to mention, he’s pretty charming.”
I was speechless, my mind working furiously, trying to figure out everything.
“Oh, and by the way, your parents have just left,” the nurse added, “I’ll go tell the doctor and your parents that you’re awake.”
I nodded, still too stunned to speak. She gave me another smile and left the room, closing the door behind her.
A few seconds later, John sat up slowly as on cue.
“Oh,” he blinked at me, “You’re awake!”
“Why are you here?” I demanded. This was seriously weird.
“Because I saved you?” John pulled his eyebrows together at my aggressiveness.
“Then why haven’t you left already?”
“Because I don’t want to,”
“Well, I’m worried,” he bit his lip guiltily, “After all, it’s my fault that you’re put into this position. I know what’s going on in those girls’ head – I’ve been paying attention.”
“But WHY?” I was so, so, so confused right now. And I remembered his weird behavior around me at school these days.
“You’re a nice person,” he stated, “And I’m sorry for the way I’ve behaved before… I hope you’d forgive me. I was just stupid, and twisted, thinking that you’re uncool because you’re not like the others. You’re not a slut like those girls,” he hissed at the memories of Jennifer and her gang, “And I just realized that when you stood up to Billy and got hurt because of him – and also the time when you saved that junior boy.”
“Oh,” well, that was a lot to digest.
“And I like you,” he said quickly, and looked away.
“Wh – what?” I almost choked; did I hear him right?
“I like you,” John looked at me again and held my gaze.
I shook my head, “No, you don’t,”
“I do, trust me,” John said, “And I finally know why I liked to tease you. That’s because I actually like you, but my feelings was masked because I was idiotic… You’re one brave, kind, beautiful girl, (Yn).”
Okay. Was he seriously saying that? Was I dreaming? John Grimes, saying that he liked me and admired me instead of saying that he hated me and that I was ugly? WHAT?
“But, John, I—”
“I know,” he cut me off quickly, “I know you don’t like me… But I promise that I’m going to change my attitude from now on. I’m not going back to be that stupid John. I’m going to be more sensible now, and I hope you’d forgive me and… Be friends with me, at least.”
I looked at him thoughtfully. Well, he had saved my life, and I owed him big time.
“Okay… I guess we can start over and be friends,” I gave him a weak smile. And his latest behavior had proved to me that he meant it when he said he was going to change.
A face-splitting grin spread on his face, “Friends,” he reached out his hand.
I was about to shake his hands when I noticed bandages around both his palms. I gasped.
“What happened to your palms?” I asked. But the instant that the words were out of my mouth, I knew why. The image of him tearing of the ropes around me surfaced in the back of my head.
“It’s nothing,” he withdrew his hand.
“Did you hurt them when you saved me in the house?”
“I – Yes…”
I did not expect that. God, that must hurt.
“Does it still hurt?” I asked softly. I really owed him lots.
“No,” he grimaced.
Then the doctor entered with the nurse who talked to me earlier. They both smiled at me, and they began an inspection on me while John stood aside.
“Everything’s alright,” the doctor said, “You’re good to go tomorrow. It’s lucky that John got you out of the house in time to avoid further inhalation of smoke.” He winked at John, who returned a smile.
“(Yn)!” my parents suddenly burst through the door, and they gathered around my bed while the doctor and nurse retreated to give us some space after having a few words with my parents.
“Hi, Mum, Dad,” I smiled weakly at them. They seemed well relieved.
“Oh honey, I’m glad that you’re okay,” Mum bent down to hug me tenderly.
“If not for John, I – I really can’t bear the thought of what could have happened,” Dad said, shaking his head, “Thanks again, John.” He smiled at John.
What? Since when were they friends?
“Yes,” Mum said, “He’s told us everything honey; he knew those girls were up to no good and followed them – and also you – into the forest… He lost you and wandered around the place, but finally located you when he saw smoke in the distance…” Mum shuddered at the thought.
“Thanks John,” I realized I had not thanked him properly yet, so I turned my head and thanked him sincerely. He smiled in return, “But what happened to those girls?” I asked.
“We don’t have enough evidence unfortunately… And nothing can be done,” Mum said, getting furious.
“But I’m okay; I guess I can live through that,” I said.
They sighed, but nodded in agreement.
“Well, we must leave now – John, do you want a lift? You’ve not been home since yesterday,” Dad asked John.
“No, thanks – I’m thinking of staying here again tonight, if it’s okay with you? I’ll just phone in sick again tomorrow anyway,”
“Of course,” Dad smiled, “That’s really sweet of you, John. Do you need me to ask the nurse for an extra bed?”
“Yes, please,” John said, “I was really ridiculous refusing to have one last night… It’s not so comfy sitting on that chair sleeping – I get to stay by (Yn)’s side though.”
“Aww,” Mum smiled.
So. My parents approved of him. And I bet they were relieved – they knew I did not have any close friends… Yes, they did not know I did not have friends at all. But now I did.
Eventually my parents left and there were only John and I in the room.
“Won’t your Mum be worried?” I said, trying to break the silence.
“She’s okay with everything as long as I’m safe,” John gave me a smile.
And I did not know what came over me… At that instant, I somehow found his smile… Charming.
Oh (Yn), you could not like him!

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