I'll Call You Up a Thousand Times

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“How are your hands?” I asked John quietly as I sat in the backseats with John in my parents’ car. We were going to drop John off and thanked him and his family properly before going home.
John looked up and locked his eyes with me, his eyes sparkling – he was happy at the moment – actually, he had been happy all the time ever since I had woken up. I did not know how to respond to his feelings…
“I’m good,” John smiled, “They don’t hurt anymore.”
“Thank you,” I said, probably for the millionth time. I could not think of anything else to do in order to repay John’s help in these two days.
He saved me from a burning house, risked his life for me, hurt himself because of that, and stayed by my side since then. And not to mention, he now had confessed his deep feelings for me. I just… Did not know what to do.
I should hate him, but I could not anymore, and now I was friends with him. And deep down, in a place that was pitch black in my stomach, a weird feeling kept twirling. I was not sure what that was though. Maybe I was just new to him being my friend.
John rolled his eyes at me, “Seriously (Yn),” he said, “You’ve said that for, what, a zillion times?”
He put up his hands, smiling while shaking his head, “If you want to thank me, stop saying that, okay? I get it,”
I bit my lip and nodded. He seemed distracted for a moment, staring at my lips.
I looked away, and shifted my glance to the outside world. I remembered how I thought I would never see this again when I was tied to the chair, helpless and vulnerable to the flames surrounding me. Not in a million years would I think John would have saved me from my near-death experience. Out of the population of the world, JOHN GRIMES was my life saver. I just hoped nothing like this would happen again… But then I thought of school, and how I would face the others.
“Don’t worry,” John said softly, like he had penetrated my thoughts, “I promise you that you won’t get hurt again with me here.”
I turned to look at his deep green eyes, burning into mine, dancing with affection. I had to look away.
He took my hand and squeezed it gently, and I looked down at our linked hands which were resting on the seat. This felt weird, but… Comforting, “What about those people at school?” I whispered before I could stop myself, speaking out my fear.
John’s hand tightened around mine, “I told you, I’d be there,” he said in a tight voice, and I looked up to find that he had closed his eyes, inhaling sharply. He must be thinking of what the girls had done to me.
The car journey continued in silence, and I did not try to withdraw my hand from John’s. Frankly, I liked this feeling. I had missed being cared about by the others, besides my family. Maybe being friends with him would not be so bad after all.
At last we arrived in front of John’s house. John hopped off the car immediately once the engine was cut off, and quickly came to my side to help me out, as I was still feeling weak.
“Thanks,” I flashed John a sincere smile.
“No problem,” he smiled back.
Dad went to the boot and carried John’s overnight bag – his mum packed it for him and visited me, and she was a very, very nice woman – inside while Mum, John and I followed behind. John had his hand on my elbow firmly to keep me from falling – and he knew wrapping his arm around me would be too much for me. I could not help but notice how sweet he could be if he wanted to be.
Dad pressed the doorbell and Mrs. Grimes came to open the door.
“Oh, hello!” she seemed delighted to see us, and I could tell she was glad to have John back – a flush of guiltiness washed through me; I had been keeping her son away from her – and she smiled at me.
“Please, come in,” Mrs. Grimes stepped aside to let us in.
We gathered around in the living room, with John and I sitting side by side on the loveseat, with his arm brushing mine. Okay, this was slightly awkward.
“Here,” Mrs. Grimes served us tea, 
“Thanks Mrs. Grimes,” I sipped on my tea
“Please, call me Susanna,” she smiled kindly, “How are you feeling, (Yn)?” she sat down on the sofa, joining my parents.
“Much better,” I said, “Thanks for everything, Susanna.”
“Anytime,” she beamed, “I’m glad that you’re okay.”
Then we talked a bit more, and left after thanking John and Susanna again. John walked us to the door.
“(Yn),” John grabbed me into a hug when we said our farewell, “I’m really happy that you’re okay, and that we’re friends.”
“Same,” I muttered, feeling slightly awkward – I was not used to such physical contact, especially with John.
He pulled back and held me at arm’s length, holding my gaze.
“(Yn), we’ll wait for you in the car,” Mum called out. She sounded like she wanted to burst out in giggles looking at us. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
“Can I come over and walk you to school when you start going back again?” John asked hopefully. I would take this week off as I needed rest.
“Erm,” I said hesitantly, “I’m not sure – I mean, I’m not used to this…”
“Please,” John whispered, “I don’t want you walking alone. Not after this. I want to protect you.” He was referring to the incident that made me end up in hospital.
Maybe I looked a bit taken aback by his last sentence, so he quickly added, “Friends should protect one another, shouldn’t they?”
“Okay then,” I murmured.
“I’ll call you then,” John said. Yes, we had exchanged numbers at the hospital.
“Alright,” I tried to smile, “I have to go now, and thanks again.”
John rolled his eyes at me and released my arms, “Stop thanking me for God’s sake; you make it sound like you owe me a lifetime!”
“I do,” I said honestly.
John sighed, “Whatever,” he accompanied me to the car and helped me get into the backseats.
“Bye,” he smiled at me.
“Bye,” I said, and just before he closed the door, I quickly added, “Thank you!”
John shook his head at me, and waved us goodbye. I waved back.
Once I could not see John anymore, I leaned back in my seat, closing my eyes, thinking things over. But I was interrupted by Mum.
“He’s really cute,” Mum said, “And he likes you, I can tell.”
“I know,” I opened one eye, and I could see Dad smiling. Whoa, he really approved of John, did he not? But I could guess why; after all, John had saved his daughter’s life.
“Then?” Mum asked suggestively.
“Mum!” I protested, “We’re just friends. And I don’t really know him that well.”
“Maybe one day then,” Mum said, “You’ll return that feeling. You two will look cute together!”
I sighed. I was pretty sure this would not happen… Would it?

The week had gone by quickly, and every day John came to visit after school.
“John, you don’t have to do this,” I told him on Thursday, as we were sitting on my bed chatting – yes, my parents would let him into my bedroom to be with me alone, and surprisingly, I found him a really nice friend and I could chat with him effortlessly.
“But I enjoy it,” John grinned, referring to my statement about him visiting me every day.
“So how’s school today?” I asked, knowing that John would insist on visiting me.
He flipped his silky blond hair before answering – oh my, that was a sight to see, I had to admit.
“Well,” he said, fidgeting with his fingers, like something was bothering him, “It further proves that I really need to stay by your side and walk you to school. Those girls are still as horrible as ever, telling fake stories about you to everyone. I’ve convinced everyone not to listen though, but it’s still not good. And I realize my so-call friends aren’t worthy – no one as school can compare to you, (Yn).”
Whoa. That was something.
“I know those idiots at school are really annoying,” I eventually said.
“And I’m sorry for being one of them – I can promise I won’t go back to that stage ever again,”
I smiled at John, and grabbed him into an unexpected hug – I had been much more relaxed around him after these few days – and John wrapped his arms around me when he had recovered from the small shock.
“Thank you,” I whispered.
I could almost hear him roll his eyes, “Not again!”

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