Beast Headcanons

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Hello all! I'm actually back and with the chapter I promised! Look at me. Procrastinating homework in a fun way. 

Side note: I've restarted season 2 of Dirk Gently (because my life is hell rn) and I love my poor babies!!! Vogel being so scared when the train went over Amanda broke my heart!!! Okay, side note over. I'll actually get to the headcanons ;)

- Beast would be an incredibly fast learner because she was created by a child and children are at peak learning stage in life, so she'd probably mimic that. 

- Also, look at how good she cleaned up at the last scene. If she didn't learn quickly, there would be no way for her to have mastered basic human interaction (kind of) so quickly. 

- Beast would be a total cuddle bug

- She's spent a lot of time alone in a cave, so the second she's with the Rowdies she becomes super clingy

- Anything remotely dirk-like or dirk-related is automatically labeled as "bibbit". All colorful jackets, traffic cones, burgers, and tall white British men are "bibbit" and will be harassed as such. 

- She picks up a lot of speech habits from the Rowdy 3, but she does have a lot of different behaviors

- Beast hates any alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, or pretty much any adult thing because it's "yucky" 

- Her sudden and irreversible love of Dirk wasn't a one time thing. 

- About once a week she decides she's "in love" with something. 

- Dirk was her first love so he's still special though

- Beast is ridiculously strong and has picked up members of the Rowdy 3 and the van on multiple occasions

- This usually result in confused, concerned, but otherwise hyped Rowdy 3

- After being in reality for awhile, Beast slowly starts to lose her weirder traits like the rainbow hair and super strength

- Amanda can help boost those traits with her psychic magic, but the effects are only temporary

- To make Beast feel better, they help her dye her hair, paint her nails, and get her crayons to decorate the van with

- After completing her "artwork", Beast decides that the Rowdy 3 are her family 

There you go! It's a little short, but we only have 2 (?) episodes on Beast anyways. Let me know what you think or if you want any headcanons on a specific topic out of Dirk Gently. Thanks for reading!

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