{Your mine got that}

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:Y/n POV:

I was walking  to school with my bsf/crush killua. 

"I heard we are getting a new student, I dont know the gender tho" you said giving killua a warm smile 

" I hope its not going to be another fan girl i'm starting to get sick of them" he said with a annoyed tone in his voice which made you laugh a little. 

Killua and I both headed to class to find out the teacher still wasn't there so you both decided to just sit down in your usual spots,  killuas'  desk was in front of mine and I was behind. A few minuted past until the teacher finally walked in with the new guy? oh cool you thought to yourself. A smile appeared  on your face because it wasn't another girl to flirt with killua. The  new guy seems chill, he had black hair with one green eye and one red which you thought was cool. You looked around to see some girl drooling over the new kid which made you laugh but the thing is you laughed a little louder than you wanted.

" Okay miss y/n you can show Alex around if you think its so funny " the teacher said looking annoyed that you laughed

" Oh um okay" you said your checks were so red because of pure embarrassment. I didn't mean to laugh that loud god your so stupid y/n!

By the way this is what the new kid/ Alex looks like he pretty cute not going to lie JHGHDR 

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By the way this is what the new kid/ Alex looks like he pretty cute not going to lie JHGHDR 

Killua POV

I  looked behind my chair to see y/n blushing, did she think this Alex kid are whatever was cute or is she blushing from how embarrassing she is, I didn't take my chances because what if her and the new kid get close, because she actually did find him cute. hahaha that's not going to happen y/n is mine I thought to myself while staring right into the new kids eyes. He better hope I dont loose control over my bloodlost.

" hey miss I think I should go show him around with y/n because she cant show him the guys locker room and stuff like that" I said still starring at him but smiling this time because my plan was slick as an assassin, even tho I am one.

" Yes Mr. Zoldyck thats actually an excellent idea" the teacher said with a satisfied smile on her face. I smirked leaning back into my chair because my plan was successful. Your not getting near y/n got that new kid.

Back too Y/n POV

Oh I guess killua was coming why would he want to come you thought to yourself..... omg was he jealous!!, wait killua jealous I doubt that. Killua is jealous of no one he is too confident at everything he does. Your thoughts got disrupted my the teacher calling killua and you over, so you can start showing Alex around.

"Okay Miss L/n and Mr. Zoldyck you are excused to show Alex around" the teacher said 

Killua and you both got out of are chairs and walked towards Alex you gave him a soft smile and gestured your hands so he knows that he should start following me. Killua didn't even look at the new guy whats up with him? 

"Okay Alex it would be easier if you walked beside me instead of behind" I said giving him a soft smile because I didn't know if he was shy or not. I wanted to make sure he was comfortable  around me so it wasn't awkward the whole tour.

" Oh haha sorry about that y/n" he said walking up to me 

Mini Time skipp

Killua POV

Y/n and Alex were laughing with each other which made me want to bash his face through every locker in the school until he was out cold, oh how I wanted to that so bad but I pulled my urge down so I wouldn't get expelled. I remembered what I just thought about the new kid, wow I haven't had thoughts like that in awhile this guy must really piss me off.

" Hey y/n your really pretty and nice I like you" I hear Alex  say to y/n

" Whaa like in general or-" she replied

Okay thats it. I walked through the little space between them so now I was in front of Alex. 

"Listen dude she mine got that so don't even think to look at her or even talk to her " I said giving him a death glare

" Hey she not an object, you can't just say you own her and plus so what if I did kinda like her are you her boyfriend or something" He said smirking at me

God this dude is really gong to make me loose it

" Hey guys its fine I really dont care and I know killua wouldnt use me" she said looking at me with her warm smile 

" There is your answer new kid, that concludes the tour oh and your lucky you didn't pull my trigger trust me " I said while putting y/n over my shoulder and using Godspeed to go out in the Combat yard.


I was blushing a deep scarlet red from everything that just happened including that you were on killua shoulder. Did he really mean that or was he just being over protective either way it was really hot, god now i'm blushing even more how is that even possible. We stopped in the Combat yard where he let me down slowly on to the ground.

" Hey killua did you mean the stuff you said back there" you said blushing not having a clue what his answer was going to be. I then felt soft warm hands on my chin knowing that they were killua's. Oh my I'm looking killua straight into his mesmerizing eyes.

" Oh well of course baka your mine " He said pulling me into his soft lips. 

I will be posting one shots ever day Tomorrow I might do an attention one but put down and recommendations:)

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