I'm fine...

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:Y/n POV:

I was headed to the store to go get snacks for killua and you, we were planning on hanging out later today. You remembered you  had to go to the chocolate aisle because of killua and his obsession with chocco-robots. You started giggling at the thought of him seeing the chocolate and how happy he would be. How did I get  killua to be my boyfriend? You thought while finding the chocco-robots. You slowly looked at your phone while still thinking. SHOOT I need to start going you said while running to self checkout.

:Time skipppp:  

You sighed as you finished setting the stuff up for killua and me. You smiled at your hard work feeling very proud of yourself.

knock knock 

Oh he is here you said while running up to the door. You were so excited to see him because you haven't seen him in awhile , You missed him so much.

" KIlll" you said while giving him a big hug

" hey y/n I missed you baka" he said while giving you a kiss on the cheek

You stopped hugging killua so you could  close the door but as soon as the door shut you turned around expecting to see killua but he wasn't their. what were did he go he was right there you thought to yourself your eyes slowly starting searching around the room, until you found him in the kitchen munching on the chocco-robots you got earlier today. 

" HEYY those are for latter!!!!!" you said running up to him and taking the box of chocco-robots out of his hand

" HEY GIVE THEM BACK" He said while looking at you with a face that told you that you were going to get it

and no not in the dirty way your maybe thinking 

Killua came running towards you but you didn't move an inch. You waited until he was close enough you put your palm onto his forehead causing him to stop in his tracks.

" Killua you can have some later until then i'm hiding them, okayyyy " you said giving him a mom look that you always gave him in situations like these

" EHHH- fine " he said pouting but  knowing that he had no chance of winning this argument

" good boy" you said while walking away to hide the chocolates

A few minutes past and both of you decided to go chill in your room and do random things. You both took funny pictures of each other played  uno, and pranked call leorio , kurapika , and gon. Leorio was the best prank caller victim  because he kept ranging into the phone making you and killua laugh uncontrollably. Kurapika instantly knew it was you guys and hung up which was also very amusing and well gon, his pure little soul was just confused and was trying to understand what was going on which made you feel bad so you just explained what killua and you were doing.

Another short time skippp

After all that killua and you were cuddling, Your head was on his chest and your legs were in the middle of his. Killua was just going through Instagram while you were on tiktok just scrolling around. You looked up at killua to see him smiling at his phone you quickly glanced at it to see a girl in the park swinging around and having fun. She looked are age though so it wasn't like a child, so who was she? You looked back up at killua to see him giggling at the video. You felt 3 main things jealousy , insecure and sad you were also pretty mad but the thing is killua didn't notice that you looked at his phone so you decided to look at his phone again to see him stalking her page and liking her posts. You wanted to confront him but he wouldn't understand why you where mad if you yelled at him because he didnt know you looked at his phone. So you just decided to get off his chest and move next to him turning so you were now facing the opposite direction of him. 

" Hey get back on my chest right now and why aren't you facing me" he said annoyed that you got off his chest but also a little concerned

' Oh um no reason i'm just tired and want to go to bed" you said lying 

" well then sleep on my chest baka" he said acting so smart

" I'm okay thanks anyway killua" you said trying not to sound mad but you failed

" Are you mad are something kitten"  he said sounding more concerned

" No I - ...well good night kill" you said quickly trying not to have a serious conversation with him.

" so you are mad what did I do wrongg telll meee" he said wiggling you over and over again until you answered

" Its nothing important " you said looking at the floor

You felt soft warm fingers touch your chin making  you look up to see killua bring your face towards his so you were now looking him straight in the eyes. A blushed flew across your face 

" dont lie to me y/n" He said not loosing eye contact

" well I just saw you smiling at and liking at girl post and you were kinda stalking her page" you said breaking eye contact by turning over so once again you weren't facing him.

You felt warm hands warp around your waist as you got pulled into killua warm hug 

" baka she is just an old friend her name is bisky. I dont even like her she is so annoying and harsh she is the last person I would ever like trust me" killua said looking at you while laughing 

" You sure kill" you said wanting to make sure he wasn't lying

" Yes ofc your mine and the only person I love" he said while nuzzling  his head in the crook of your neck. 

I love this boy you thought to yourself while looking at him being so cute.

This chapter was kinda fast but hoped you liked it

{One Shots} killua x readerWhere stories live. Discover now