Whose the Girl Behind the Mask 2

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After you got your dagger and mask you were running to the throne room to go show your mom the final look as she asked. It was taking you a lot longer to run because of your heels. Omg I cant even run in these whats the point in making them! you slightly yelled to yourself but after a few seconds you arrived to the throne room. You slowly opened the door to reveal your mom reading a book in her royal chair.

" Mom?" you said while walking closer to her. She looked at you and her eyes lit up it looked like she was about to cry you thought to yourself.

" Wow honey you look like a true princess" she said holding your hand in hers

" Thank you mom!" you said bending down so you could hug her. After a few seconds of hugging you broke the hug

" Okay mom I need to get going I love you and I will tell you all about it later!" you said while leaving the room so you couldn't clearly hear what your mom said but it didn't really matter because you just wanted to get to the ball.

 After running through the whole castle you made it to the limo to see Leo holding the door open.

" Ready princess" He said smirking knowing that you hated being called princess

" Yes guard" you said also knowing he didn't like being called guard 

Mini Time Skipp   

You arrived to the castle who was holding the ball. The castle was so memorizing with all the lights surrounding it and the light of the full moon gracing the castle with its shine everything looked like a dream. Your jaw dropped as soon as you saw the amazing view it was so hard to take your eyes off it but then you finally blinked because Leo opened the door for you. 

" Thanks!" you said while giving him a smile and then continuing to look at the castle.

" For the last time its one of my jobs no need to thank me" he said while patting your head. Leo was like your older brother he always knew what to say when you were feeling down and he always let you watch him during combat listens.

" Um Leo do you know who castle this belongs too?" you asked him giving him a confused look because your mom never informed you on what castle you would be attending.

" I pretty sure its the Zoldycks" He said walking you too the front door of the castle

The Zodycks mmm I think I heard of them being assassins but its probably just a stupid rumor you thought to yourself. You stopped seeing that you finally made it to the door Leo went in front of you to open it when it was opened enough for you too see your eyes widened there was two huge staircases leading to the main ball room which had a dance floor then to the right a huge buffet then near the lest was a walk way to garden and there was just a bunch of sitting in the middle and the diamond chandler on top lighting the whole room with its shine. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Princess y/n and her royal guard Leo have arrived" one of the zodyck guards announced You and Leo knew that was your cue to part he went to the stair case on the left while you went to the right everyone was staring at you but couldn't see your face because of the fancy mask on your face. You looked to see Leo he was also wearing one of the castle fancy mask he was waving to the crowd so you did the same. Once you finally reached down the staircase you went to the middle to be teemed with Leo again you curtsied while he bowed. You looked at Leo with a looking telling him your going to go look around he gave you a nod and you both separated ways. You knew you were still going to be in his sight at all times so you weren't worried and plus you had your dagger. You were looking around trying to find the garden that you saw before your eyes kept looking around the big room until you bumped into someone you lost your balance because of your heels and were about to fall onto someone caught you. You looked to see who caught you and it was a white haired boy with blue eyes and a black mask that made all his features standout. 

" Watch were your going next time because I wont always be there to catch you" the white haired boy said while lifting you back up.

" Thank you umm whats your name" you said with a slight pink tint on your cheeks because from what you saw he was very handsome 

" Killua Zoldyck you?" he said very casually 

" Oh your the one hosting the ball" you said amazed that you met a Zoldyck in such short time

" Mhm " was all he said before walking away

" Hey wait can you take me to the garden?"  you asked in a hopeful tone, hoping he would agree

" Why not" he said while taking your wrist and pulling you threw the crowd. He was fast causing you to bump into a few people causing you to have to say sorry to all of them. You were looking back saying sorry to the last person you looked forward to see killua stopped causing your face to hit his back.

"Ouch! at least give me a heads up" you said rubbing your noise 

" Sorry but we made it" he said while pulling you in front of him so you could see the view of the magical garden standing before you. 

"Its beautiful!" you said looking at the garden that had blossom trees surrounding it and a fountain in the middle their was a bench near the fountain. As soon as you saw it you pulled killua with you so you both could sit on the bench. You both arrived at sat down.

" So princess y/n did you come her with someone?" he asked looking at you

" Well I did come her with my royal guard Leo" you said looking at his mask that had such detail in it

" Oh okay... Are you two dating?" he asked with no expression in his tone what so ever 

" No but he is like a brother to me but thats all" You said giving him a smile to make the conversation less awkward

Killua POV 

Y/n and I have been talking about are lives for about 20 minutes but I left out the part were I was an assassin because she would probably just leave me if I told her and for somewhat reason I didn't want her to leave I wanted her to stay with me and only me and I still have no clue why! my thoughts got interrupted when I heard the bell ring my eyes widened. Shoot I forget that ilumni would ring the bell which means that we need to start killing everyone that intended the ball. Once again my thoughts got interrupted by screams and cry's.

"Whats happening in there?" y/n asked me with a confused look on her face

" Umm... Y/n I need to get you out of her now!" I said while grabbing her wrist. I couldn't let her get killed but before I could start running the person that I was terrified the most appeared right in front of us.

Cliff hanger I kinda forgot I was writing this so there are probably mistakes in it but im to lazy to edit right now. Oh and please give me suggestions.

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