Im just your secret..

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You are in a secret relationship with killua. He didn't want to announce to the school that you guys were dating. He didn't exactly tell you why tho, so you just thought he was embarrassed of dating you. Every time you thought about that you would feel insecure. When you see him at school you just want to go over to him and kiss him. Hug him. At least talk with him in public! but you knew he would never let you do that.

              You were leaving the girls bathroom when you saw Killua!! There was no one near by so you just thought it would be okay to go hug him.  You went on your tippe toes and hugged him from behind and wrapped your hands around his neck.

" Heyyy Fluffy I missed you" you said with a smile on your face while still hugging him. You can tell he flinched when you hugged him

" Not now y/n people might see!" he said while taking your hands off his neck

" Oh sorry killua" you said while looking straight down towards the ground. You hated being his secret you just wanted to be able to kiss him in public without worrying if people saw  you or not.

 "see ya y/n" he said while walking away and not even sparing you a glance 

You didn't respond and just kept looking down. We have been dating for 2 months and im still just his dirty little secret. Im starting to get sick of it you thought to yourself but your thoughts were interrupted with the bell announcing everyone to go to their last period of the day.  Your last period was art. Killua was in that class but it didn't even matter because I had to pretend that he wasn't even there. I sighed while heading to class.

Are art teacher announced that we were going to have to partner up with someone and paint a mythical scenery. You didn't really have any friends in this class but your boyfriend killua, but you knew he wasn't an option. You groaned thinking that you were going to have to do this project by yourself but before you raised your hand to tell the teacher you didn't have a partner you felt someone tap your shoulder. I looked to see who it was oh it was Ray you knew him and you would some times say "hi" to each other when passing by but you guys weren't really friends.

" Hey y/n do you want to be my partner" he said with a closed eyed smile

" Omg yes I thought I was going to have to do this by myself" you said laughing a bit he laughed with you a few seconds later. You could tell killua was looking at you guys but you didn't think much of it. A few minutes in the project you could tell Ray was flirting with you by calling you beautiful and complementing you. I felt happy because someone actually wanted to be flirty with me in public without out being embarrassed of me. You started flirting back even tho you knew it was wrong but it just felt nice to have someone love you in public without getting embarrassed. You could feel killua's death stare on the both of you and Ray. I slightly glanced at him to see his face looking like this:

 I slightly glanced at him to see his face looking like this:

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I feel pretty bad because he looked mad but why was he mad he didn't even want to be seen with me in the first place. I knew it was wrong to flirt back with Ray but I couldn't help it. Finally someone didn't care if people judged you guys for flirting Ray just wanted you to be happy which made me feel happy because you never got this treatment from killua but you decided to stop flirting with Ray but you still let him flirt with you you just didn't flirt back. About 15 minutes passed and the bell rang announcing school was finally over. You said bye to Ray and left the school you saw killua surrounded by fan girls in front of the school. He is fine being seen with them but not with me wow. you thought to yourself. 

Mini Time Skippp 

You got back home and started doing some homework when then you heard someone tapping on your window you knew it was killua you were happy that he came so he can finally show you some love and give you attention after ignoring you all day at school. You quickly got up to open the window but when he came into your room he looked mad really mad.

" WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT TODAY?" He growled. Your eyes widened in shock that he yelled at you.

" Wha t t are you talking about" you said but as soon as you said that you remembered how you were flirting with Ray earlier you felt really guilty  

" IN CLASS YOU WERE ALL OVER HIM" he said still yelling at you

" IM SORRY, IT JUST FELT NICE TO FEEL WANTED INSTEAD OF FEELING JUST LIKE A DIRTY SECRET" you yelled back but  you realized how much it hurt you when you knew he was embarrassed about dating you. Killua didn't know you were slightly crying so he continued to yell.

" CUT THE CRAP Y/N, YOU SHOULDN'T BE FLIRTING WITH OTHER GUYS. YOUR MINE." He said with his voice getting higher

" WELL NO ONE KNOWS THAT " You said while more tears ran down your face. He finally noticed you were crying his eyes widened and guilt was now covering his face knowing that he messed up. He walks up to you trying to comfort you.

" Hey kitten stop, Im sorry I yelled but it just hurt seeing you with someone else" He said with guilt and slight pain in his voice. 

" I know it was wrong to flirt with him but it felt nice that he wasn't embarrassed to be seen with me." you said while looking down at the floor causing a shadow over your eyes. His eyes widened at your statement he felt even more bad then he did before, he hugged you tightly.

" Im not embarrassed of you I just dont want either of us to be made fu-" he was saying until you interrupted him

" Be made fun of. Yeah I got it" you just wanting to be done talking to him about this so you took his hands off you and told him to leave. He looked at you with pain in his eyes but he agreed and left but before he jumped out the window he looked back at you to see tears dripping from your faces rapidly going down and dripping onto the floor. His eyes widened seeing what he has done. He was determined to make things right. He couldn't bare to see you like that.

Time skip to tomorrow morning at school

You were walking down one of the schools hallways until you felt someones arm warp around your shoulder you looked up to see killua smiling at you your eyes widened he was giving me attention in public you thought?

" Wha a t are you doing?" you said with slight anger in your tone  

"Your not going to be my secret anymore" he said with a smirk on his face he took your wrist and pulled you across the school to the announcement room where you hear the announces in the speakers that are all around the school.

" Killua what are you going to do?" you said with worry in your voice

" You'll see" He said with a mischievous tone and his cat like smirk

He went up to the announcement mic and turned it on so now that the whole school could hear him through the speakers.

" Hey its killua everybody I would just like to announce Y/n mine so if I ever see another mans hands on her. I will kill you and punish her. She is mine. I dont share. Oh and just so you know Im crazy about whats mine. OH and Ray if you even dare you flirt with y/n again I will kill you.... Thats it bye everyone" he said while turning off the mic and carrying you bridal style and running out of the school

" Fluffy you did not just say that in front of the whole schoooll" you said in shocked but also very embarrassed

" I just needed to let them know that your mine and only mine" He said with another cat like smirk on his face.

After ditching school you and killua spent the whole day together. It was the best day of your life you were now no longer his secret.  

I HOPE YOU LIKED oh and also should I say "you" or "I" in these stories because idk

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