Part 4!!

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I thought Enchanted was a good song for last chapter! I am going to add songs to chapters when I find good fits becuase I think it adds a theme to the chapter!

Carson's POV:

"Um.. I.. um." I stuttered. I couldn't believe he has just asked me that. It seemed like he was into me on stage. I attempted to answer, "Um.. I think that.. um..." Do the right thing! I thought to myself, Amelia is your best friend. "I think... you should. She would definitley say yes!" I finally was able to spit out.

"Really?" Justin gave a huge smile, "Okay! So I think thats all! Okay I can drive you home! Um... ya.. okay.. so rehersal tomorrow just be here at um um..... 10! Ya thats right!" He was stuttering. I could tell he was very excited.

I got in the car with him. It was late so no one was out to mob him and the paps weren't all over him. The car was silent and a little awkward until Justin asked me, "What's Amelia favorite color?"

I laughed, "Why?" I was finding myself becoming slightly angry at the idea of Justin and Amelia going on a date, but I knew I had to find a way to be okay with it.

"I want to take her on an unforgettable first date. I want to give her flowers of her favortie color." Justin kept looking at the road to keep from blushing.

"Oh! Thats so sweet!" I could feel jealously rising up inside of me so I quickly pushed it into the back of my mind, "Its pink and her favorite flowers are lilies."

"Thanks!" Justin said, reaching across the car and touching my thigh. Butterflies swarmed into my stomach, but they quickly flew away as he removed his hand. It was just a friendly gesture. Nothing more.

"Turn here." I pointed to the left. "You probably don't have to give her flowers. The date will already be unforgettable because it's with Justin Bieber."

Justin smirked and winked at me, driving me crazy. When I reached home, I said bye to Justin and walked inside. I closed the door softley and threw my bag on the floor in the front hallway. I sighed, but then I heard footsteps and my mom appeared at the top of the steps.

"Hi, sweetie." She rubbed her eyes.

"Hi. Momma." I started walking up the stairs.

"I got your text. What is this whole thing about?" She asked, very curiously.

I met her at the top of the steps, and grabbed her hand, "Come in my room. I will explain it."

I explained the entire situation to her. My mom told me she needed to meet Justin and the people I would be with before she would allow me to travel the world. I told her she had a week to decide. After she left, I went into my bathroom and washed off my make-up and fell asleep under my covers.

My alarm jolted me awake and I knew right away that I did not get enough sleep. I had only slept about 5 hours. I turned the annoying alarm off and sat up. I took a long, refreshing shower and when I was done getting ready I followed the smell of eggs and bacon into the kitchen.

"Theres my girly!" My dad looked up from cooking and smiled.

"Hi!" I said, sitting down at the bar. His good mood was contagious and I felt much better.

"So my beautiful daughter was picked to go on tour!" He scoopd eggs onto the plate in front of me.

"Mhm!" I picked up my fork.

"I am so happy for my angel!" He took a seat next to me. My dad was always so supportive.

"Would you be okay with me going on tour?" I asked swallowing my eggs.

"Probably. Only if your momma says yes." He replied. I wished my mom was as easy going as him.

I smiled and looked at the clock on the oven. It read, 9:00, "Okay dad! Thanks for breakfast! I have to go." I stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked out the side door.

I pressed the button on my keys and unlocked my car. My dad always told me that I shouldn't call it my car because technically he owned it, but I was the only one who drove it. He also bought the car for me when I turned 16. I drove an older Toyota Corolla. I hopped into the front seat and drove off. I didn't want to listen to music. I needed to sit in silence and think about how I would keep my jealousy hidden. I was so happy for Amelia, I just wanted the same thing to happen to me! I didn't know what to do. I came up with all of these ideas, but by the time I was at the arena so I could rehearse I realized every idea was not going to be sucessful.

I stepped out of my car and walked towards the tour buses. I reached the gate where a security gaurd was standing. I showed him my ID card and he let me enter. Justin was standing outside of his tour bus talking to Scooter.

"Oh hey, Carson!" Scooter exclaimed, giving me an awkward hug using his left arm.

"Hi!" I smiled, attempting to shake the awkwardness. Seeing Justin again made my jealousy that I had just gotten rid of to come back. Justin gave me a quick look and smiled, softly.

"Okay. So today we start for the video of Love Me Like You Do... so Carson and Justin follow me to the fitting areas where we have some outfits. Carson, we guessed your size we have three different sizes of each outfit so you should be fine." Scooter began to walk towards the door.

We followed him through a long hallway. At the end, there was a door he opened it. Inside, it smelled of Justin Bieber's Girlfriend perfume and there were people getting fitted for outfits everywhere.

Scooter stopped at a mirror where a woman was standing, "Hi, Melonie."

(MELONIE IS PLAYED BY ASHLEY GREENE! There's a pic attached)

"Hello!" She turned around, "My oh my! This is going to be a fun project!" She touched my face gently, "Gorgeous you are! Just gorgeous!"

"Thanks..." I blushed.

"Okay! I will leave you ladies alone!" Scooter smiled and walked away with Justin following close behind.

"Helloooo!" Melonie said, "I'm Melonie! And you must be Carson! Oh how I love that name for a girl!" She put a hand on my shoulder, "Okay! We have a lot of work to do! Take a seat!"

I smiled and took a seat. I could tell Melonie was very artistic. She had brown hair with frosted purple tips. Her make-up would be outrageous if it wasn't on her, but it fit Melonie perfectly. Her eyes were a dark brown-hazely color and I couldn't tell if she had fake eyelashes, but whatever they were gorgeous.

Melonie fluffed through my hair. I could tell she was thinking very hard on what to do with me. She was really nice. She kept complimenting me. She was silent for about ten minutes until she said, "Alright! Now, I have one rule... No telling me you don't like something. What I do.. you keep. I promise you will love it though!" She gave a quick smile and began to work on me. This was going to be a long day.

Live. Laugh. Love. (A Justin Bieber Love Story) **Completed** NEWLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now