Part 44 =^)

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Oh my gosh.. just 6 more parts!!! Don't forget to check out the prologue for my new story!!!

Carson's POV:

My alarm went off and I threw it across my room to turn it off. I slowly got up and took a shower. I went to my three classes I had for the day. When I got back, it was about 2:30. I walked into my room and found it covered with rose petals. There were a few candles lit and in the middle of it all Ryder was standing there with a dozen roses.

"Wow.." I gasped, "Whats all this for?"

"Its for you.." Ryder scooted closer to me.

"No, really?" I said sarcastically, "Doofus."

He laughed and looked back at me, "Carson, when I met you in class I really liked you and when we went to Olive Garden I liked you even more. I usually wait for a few dates to ask a girl out, but I want you mine as soon as possible." Ryder paused, "Carson, will you make me so happy and be my girlfriend?"

I waited for a second to respond. It seemed too soon after Justin, but I liked Ryder. It had been nearly two months since I had last heard from Justin. He would text me occasionally but I never felt the need to reply. It had been six months since I last saw Justin in person. I didn't know what to say. I let my brain make the decison, "Yes." Well, I guess thats the choice I really wanted. I smiled and Ryder picked me up off my feet and gave me a passionate kiss. That kiss turned into a makeout session.

Amelia's POV:

I walked down the hall to Carson's dorm. I knocked on the door. A short girl with aburn hair opened the door. She raised an eyebrow.

"Hi! I'm Amelia. Carson's best friend.. I'm suprising her." I smiled.

"I'm MiMi!" She seemed happy, "Carson has told me a lot about you, come in!" I walked in the door and she closed in. "Carson's room the the last one down there."

"Cool." I left my luggage at the door and walked down the hall. I knocked and opened the door, "Suprise!" I saw Carson sitting on a guys lap in her desk chair. They were hardcore making out. Woah, suprise for me.

Carson pulled away from the guy, "Oh my God. Amelia? What are you doing here?" She stood up.

"Just here to see my bestfriend." I smiled and looked at the guy.

"Oh, uh! Ryder this is Amelia. Amelia this is Ryder." The guy that I now knew to be Ryder stood up and shook my hand.

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"Hi." Ryder said.

"Okay, Ryder. I think its time for you to go. I'll.. walk you out." Carson grabbed his hand and they walked out. I sat down on Carson's bed and noticed her room was covered in rose petals. "Sorry." Carson said when she walked back in.

"Moving on?" I asked.

"Yeah. I didn't expect to quite yet, but how can you resist that?" She laughed.

"Good for you." I put two thumbs up.

"Whats wrong?" Carson asked me, sitting in her desk chair.

"Nothing.. that just kinda caught be off gaurd." I lied.

Carson smiled with her lips, "Well, this is my room!"

"Its nice! Mine sucks..." Our conversation went on like that for awhile. Then, we went out to dinner. We came back and watched a movie and then went to bed. When we woke up, we went to breakfast in the dining hall. We sat down at our table and I couldn't hold it in any longer. "How could you move on so fast?" I spat.

Carson set down her fork and looked at me, "What?"

"Just.. move on from Justin?" I asked.

"I don't know.. I just did. Why does this matter to you? It's been over 6 months." I could tell she was getting upset.

"Whatever..." I tried to blow it off.

"Why?!" Carson exclaimed.

"Because he didn't do anything wrong!" I yelled.

Carson calmed her voice down because people were staring, "What? Amelia, he cheated on me. He cheated. He's a cheater." I saw tears began to well up in her eyes.

"No he didn't.." I sighed.

"Did you not see the pictures or something?" Carson's eyes dropped tears.

"I saw them. I believed the media with you and everyone else, but he didn't cheat. The pictures made it look like he wanted to be kissed. He was trying to get away from her." I tried to explain.

"And whats your proof?" Carson leaned back in her chair.

"Chaz told me. He saw the whole thing happen."

"And you believe Chaz, Justin's best friend?"

"Yes. He's my boyfriend."

"He would take Justin's side in any argument."

"Thats not my only proof." I paused and when Carson didn't say anything I continued, "You should see Justin."

Live. Laugh. Love. (A Justin Bieber Love Story) **Completed** NEWLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now