Part 19 :) :)

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Justin's POV:

In the morning, I had to take Chaz to the airport. I really didn't want to. I had so much fun with him that week. Everyday was similar to the one before, but it was a lot of fun. Carson and I had been offcially dating for a week. I wanted to take her out to a nice dinner tonight. It was the best week ever. I really liked Carson. In fact, I thought I was in love with her. I wanted to tell her. I was scared because I didn't think she felt the same way. It seemed crazy because I had only been with her officially for a week, but Carson and I had been falling for each other for months.

"Come on, Chaz!!" I shouted up the staircase.

"Patience, asswipe!" Chaz yelled back. I heard laughter.

"No need to be a dick, slowass!"

"Woah. Too far." Chaz said. I heard his footsteps and he appeared in my vison. He began to walk down the stairs.

"Sorry. I don't want you to be late." I explained, opening the front door, "I have to be back before Carson's school is out. I have a suprise for her."

"Oh... what is it?" He walked out the front foor.

"Okay, so I'm gonna..."

Carson's POV:

"...That is how Jem and Atticus grew fonder of eachother throughout the book." Mr. Merriweather lectured.

I hated these To Kill a Mockingbird lectures. I liked the book, but I hated the lectures.

"Any questions." Mr. Merrieweather walked through the desks.

I raised my hand, he called on me, "What I don't see is how Scout became more of a lady. I feel like she tried to be, but couldn't."

"Ah... good question. So, Scout tried to be a lady throughout the book and absolutley hated it, but as she grew up and had to do it more she got used to it."

I nodded my head and began daydreaming. All my daydreams were about Justin. I was always only thinking about him. I was thinking about our date we were going to have. I was so excited. Justin said he had a lot of suprises for me.

The bell rang releasing us from period 5 to period 6. I stood up and made my way to the booming hallway. I wandered down the hall until I found my classroom. It was a Science lab. There were stools at black, shiny, tabletops. I sat down at my table.

Ms. Rose walked in and immeadiently started class. "Alright! QUIET!!!" She was a loud teacher, "We need to start very quickly today! We are going to go through a power point and then we are doing a quick mini lab." I rested my head on my hand. I quickly sat up when Ms. Rose yelled, "Head up, Miss Eldser!" The class went by slow. Towards the end of the power point, there was a soft knock on the door. Ms. Rose stood up and answered it, "Oh! Oh my..." I heard the sound of a huskey voice. "Okay.. now is not the time."

"Yes it is!" Just then, Justin pushed pass Ms. Rose and stood in front of the classroom. I covered my mouth and blushed as he cleared his throat, "Excuse me, I am hear to shofur my gorgeous girlfriend on the most amazing date of her life." He looked up and stuck his arm out. Thats when I noticed he was in a tux. "Carson, your ride awaits." He said in a fancy accent. Everyone was gasping and snapping pictures.

Blushing I said, "Justin, what are you doing?"

"I am here to get you for the most magical date of your life." He was still talking in a fancy voice.

"What?" I burst out laughing.

"If you do not take my arm I will have to carry you out." His voice was still fancy, but more firm.

"Oh my gosh, this is crazy."

"Alright I warned you." Justin came over to my desk. He grabbed my hips and picked me up. He put me over his shoulder and began to walk out, "Sorry, to interrupt your class. Good day." The entire class was still in shock and so was I.

"What are you doing here? I thought our date was after school!" I shouted, letting my body go limp on his shoulder.

"Well, I wanted to suprise you. And trust me this is not the only suprise."

I smirked, "I have a suprise for you too!" I reached down and pinched his butt. I burst out laughing as he yelped in pain. Then, he laughed.

"Wow, that was quite a suprise." Justin opened the door and we were outside. He placed me on the sidewalk. "Carson, your horse and chariot await."

As I turned around there was a limo, "What?! Oh my gosh, Justin!" I gave him a passionate kiss.

"I know its not a real horse and carriage, but its equally as amazing."

Still in his arms I said, "No.. its better."

Live. Laugh. Love. (A Justin Bieber Love Story) **Completed** NEWLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now